Usopp's Dream Part 2

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I smirked. "Well then, we aren't as different as you think. I happened to be a child of a notorious pirate myself. But then again, I also happened to be one of the most feared pirate captains of the seas! Captain Usopp!" But the girl didn't seem amused by my enthusiasm.

"You? A Captain? Don't make me laugh!" she yelled, throwing the closest object near her, which ended up being a hammer. Thankfully, I dodged it.

"Ok, ok. You got me. I'm not a captain, but I am a pirate and I've gotten separated from my crew." I said. "I need your help, please." The girl stared at me for awhile without saying a word. Then, fixing her glasses, she cleared her throat.

"Even if I did want to help you, I couldn't." she grumbled, crossing her arms. I groaned and then gazed back over to her. "Can I at least know your name?" I asked. "I told you mine, so it's the least you can do."

She began to fiddle with a strand of her long brown hair. "It's Isabel." she answered simply. Then, she sighed deeply. "Look, I'm serious when I say I can't help you. But I will let you stay here for a night." She held up a finger. "Just ONE night."

"I'll take it." I grinned.

Later that night, Isabel cooked both of us dinner. "It's not perfect, but it'll do. It's kind of hard to find suitable food out in these woods this time of year." She placed a bowl of soup in front of me. I carefully scooped some and sipped it. Though it may have not been Sanji's food, it was really good! "Dang, this is amazing!"

Isabel smiled a little bit for the first time.

"Thanks." she said, before taking her own soup and began taking small sips. She pushed her glasses up her nose as she leaned over the bowl. "You know, I could fix those." I gestured at her lens as I slurped another spoonful. Isabel shot me a look. "Oh right, just like you fixed my roof?"

"Hey, it was better than it was." I mentioned. "At least you won't have a much debris blowing in from a giant hole. And speaking of hole, you should consider getting a door. That'll help a lot." I tried to give her tips, but it only seemed to make her blood boil.

"I don't need your help." she mumbled through her teeth. "I can do it on my own."

I shook my head, smiling. "Let me see those glasses." I held out my hand. At first, Isabel stared at my open palm, but then, slowly, she slipped her lens off and placed them in the center of my hand. I stood up and searched for a grasping tool and ended up finding a monkey wrench; big, but it'll do. Then, I found small pieces of wire.

I used the wrench to bend the ends to where they would loop around her ears. Then, I used the wire to bulge the edges and widen the nose piece. I ripped some of my shirt into strips and wrapped it around the wire.

"There," I said, satisfied, and handed them back to her. "Try them out." Isabel slipped her glasses back on her face. The glasses sat secured on her nose and ears. "Wow," she said. "That is a whole lot better!" She grinned.

"You're welcome." I said, and quickly finished my soup.

After dinner, Isabel thrust a roll-upped blanket. "This is yours. You can sleep over there." She pointed towards a far away corner of the run-down house. I rolled my eyes and unraveled my blanket.

Soon after lying down, I rolled over on something hard. Lifting the cover, I found a cracked picture frame. In it, a picture of Isabel, though much younger, and an older man. Both looked so happy.

Suddenly, the picture was wrenched out of my hands from behind. "Hey, what was that for!?" I said, making sure no glass shards got me. "I was just looking." Isabel shot me an angry expression. "Mind your own business!" she yelled, and threw a small blanket. "Just thought you could another one."

Then, she turned and went back to her bed without another word. As I lowered myself back into the covers, I wondered why she would get so upset over a picture.

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