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There he laid, ironically. Sicker than you've ever seen him. Most of the time, he slept miserably in bed, while you, the first-mate, took over the Heart Pirates. Every once in a while, you would go and check on his condition.

You cracked the wooden open quietly, in case he was sleeping, and peered inside to find your captain out of bed and was standing next the wall, staring at his open hand. You rushed in and noticed how red his cheeks were and his eyes drooped. "Sir, you are not well. You need to rest." You tried to maneuver him back to bed, but Law wouldn't budge.

"Law, you have to get better. And the only way to do that is to get some rest. You, of all people on this ship, should know that."

"I can't sleep." he moaned as he presses his hands against his head. "My head is pounding. I can't even focus enough to use my bloody Devil Fruit powers."

You gripped his arm and respectedly dragged your captian to his bed and pushed him onto the mattress. Then, you left and came back with a bucket of cold water and a soft rag. You sat on a stool next to the bed and began to dab Law's hot forehead with the wet cloth.

Law remained silent for awhile before exhaling slowly. "That feels good." he hummed. His eyes fluttered closed and a crooked smile stuck to his face. You smiled to yourself; thinking how handsome he looked laying there with his hands folded on his chest. You lightly traced your fingertip over a tattoo on his arm and then down on his finger, on the letter A in DEATH.

"Your nail tickles." Law broke the silence again and opened one eye. You tried to hide an enbarrassing blush and dropped the rag on the dirty wooden floor. You cursed under your breath and bent down to pick it up, but you were stopped with Law's finger under your chin.

You gazed up at his command and his daring eyes met yours. You gulped anxiously as the tip of his finger pressed forward against your skin, causing you to lean towards his waiting lips.

Your lips brush, and the gap closes completely. Your eyes squeezed shut and your body relaxed on top of his.

As you two released the kiss, you heard Law chuckle.

"I'm cured."

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