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"Come on, Y/N!" Usopp motivated you as the two of you hurried to get away from the Marines. They were right on your tail, with their sharp swords in their hands. "Stop! Halt, Pirates!" they commanded.

Usopp suddenly grasped your hand and pulled you into a tight alley. "This way! We'll lose them at the harbor!" You tried to breathe while sprinting along side Usopp. As you two entered the harbor area, you had a couple of seconds to figure out a plan. Usopp spotted an empty Marine ship. "There!' he pointed and forced you to follow him.

As you raced up the ramp, the Marine spotted you and began to follow you. "Usopp, what are we doing? This is the LAST place I want to be." you huffed through lack of breath. "Don't worry." was all Usopp said, and pushed a wide door opened. Then, pulling me in, he slammed it closed just as the Marines were boarding. Surely, they heard the door close.

You heard something hitting the ground with a thud, and then felt a hand on your arm. Usopp pulled you behind a wall of crates and held your head down. The Marines didn't look in the room you were in immediately, meaning you had a little time to catch your breath.

"Usopp..." you breathed deeply. "What's going to happen to us if they find us?" Usopp placed a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, they won't."

"But what if they do?" you bit your lip, trying to not think about Marines catching you. Usopp lifted your chin to where your eyes met his. "Y/N," he whispered. "Do you trust me?" You nodded slowly, a small single tear rolled down your cheek.

"I'm scared, Usopp." you whimpered. "But I trust you with my life." Usopp smiled.

"Then get down." he said, pressing your small body to his chest and covering you with body facing the door. As if on cue, the Marines barge in and immediately a small bomb explodes in their faces.

As they coughed and yelled, Usopp grabbed your hand and pushed through the confused guards. You two made it off the ship and on shore.

"That was amazing." you smiled, and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You were amazing." Usopp laughed. "Yeah, I guess I was." Then, he offered his bent arm to you. "Shall we head back?"

You linked arms with him and nodded happily.

As the two of you walked away, the exciting sound of an exploding Marine ship filled the air.

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