IMAGINE- Nami X Zoro

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"Zoro! Wrong way!" I yelled. "Ugh, every time." I chases Zoro down and stopped him in his tracks. "Where the hell do you think you are going? There's a freakin' cliff!" I pointed behind me to a drop about 10 yards away.

Zoro looks over my shoulder and then back at me. "So what do you suggest then?" I rolled my eyes.

"My plan would be going south. You know, since Robin told us to!" I said, then groaned. "Let's just follow the cliff line." And we did.

The sun was setting. "We should camp somewhere." I said, stopping at the edge of the cliff. My feet were so close to the edge that the tip of my toes were hanging off. "Wow, we are really high up! Zoro, come check this out." Zoro turned and saw what I was doing and he had a scared look on his face.

"Hey, Nami! Watch out!" he yelled. But it was too late. The ground broke beneath me and I began falling. I screamed Zoro's name. Suddenly, I stopped. Zoro had grabbed my wrist just in time.

"Zoro..." I said. Zoro puled me back up and I collapse in his arms. He was breathing really hard. "You idiot..." he said. "What were you thinking getting that close to the edge."

I didn't say anything, and I sat up in front of Zoro, who had his head down, still taking heavy breaths. "Thank you for saving me." was all I could think of to say.

Zoro sighed. "What did you think I was going to do ? Let you fall?"


Zoro sighed again. Then, he stood up. "Come on, you said we needed to camp somewhere." I nodded.

"Then, lets get away from the cliff." Zoro offered me his hand. I blushed and accepted it. But, when he lifted me up off the ground, I tripped over my own feet and fell right on top of Zoro, who also fell. We both hit the ground with a thud.

"Ow..." I groaned. I lifted my head and saw Zoro's face, and blushed. But I didn't move, and neither did Zoro, who had arms around me.

Then, something inside me woke up and I kissed the son of a gun. And he kissed me back.

We ended up sleeping together under the stars right there next to the cliff side. I finally found my brave warrior, and I love him.

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