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You watched as Zoro fought against the demons. He protected you. "Stay behind me, ok!" he yelled and he used his three sword-style to take out more demons.

"Zoro!" you cried. "Stop! We got to run!" Suddenly, you feel a sharp and painful blow to the back of your right shoulder. "No!" Zoro yelled. You fell onto your side and fought back a scream.

Zoro defeated the demons and ran to your side. He lifted you and cried out in pain. You could feel Zoro shaking as he held you close. "Damn it, if only I was stronger I've could've protected you better." he blamed himself.

You struggled as you lifted your hand to his cheek. You winced as you felt blood drip from the wound. You knew you were dying. "Zoro..." you forced yourself to say. "It's me who be apologizing. I'm so weak that I couldn't defend myself." I felt tears fall from my eyes and stain my face. "Please don't blame yourself." You choked and coughed, covering the corners of your mouth with blood.

"Please! You can't die!" Zoro said, pressing you against his warm body. "You can't leave me now. Not now." You gazed into his eyes and forced a smiled as you saw Zoro shed tears for the first time. "Please Zoro," you whispered. "Don't cry for me."

Zoro cradled you. "Don't die. Please don't die." He repeated over and over in my ear.

"Zoro..." you squeaked. Our eyes meet. "I love you..."

"I..I love you, too... so stay with me." Zoro raised your head closer to his.

"I will..." you promised.

Zoro presses his lips to yours. He takes your last breath.

The last thing you see and feel was his handsome face and the falling tears on your face.

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