Luffy's Pride and Joy

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"Luffy! Come quick!" you cried happily, though Luffy didn't take it that way. He tripped over his own feet while rushing in the nursery.

"What?! What is it, Y/N?!" he shouted, out of breath.

You held out your one-year-old son with a huge smile. "He said his first word!" Luffy's eyes lit up. "Really!" He leapt with joy to his feet and tossed his son playfully. Your little boy was a exqct replica of Luffy: same black messy hair, same handsome eyes, same goofy grin.

"Come on, say it again!" Luffy begged, while he tickled the boy's belly silly. You giggle at the cute scene.

"Gum-gum." The two words are repeated over and over through your son's kiddy laughter. Luffy's face brightened and playfully tossed the boy in the air.

"That's so awesome!"

Then, with his son in the crook of his arm, Luffy wrapped his free one around your shoulders and pecked your cheek. "He's going to be just like me!" he bragged. You nodded.

"I hope so." You kissed him right back.

"Hey, Ace! Watch this!" Luffy shouted excitedly. He plopped the toddler on a chair and began to wine his arm back. "Gum...gum...Pistol!" He shoots and stretches his arm all the way across the ship. Ace claps excitedly.


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