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No, you're not in love with him. There's no possible way you love him.

You told yourself this over and over. You had to every time you would pass him on the ship or when your eyes met with his. Even he was giving orders as Captain.

But he had that smile. That huge ridiculous goofy grin that makes all your problems go away. His childish acting made you feel like a simple kid again.

You huddled in the crow's nest, hugging your knees. Rocking back and forth, you tried to clear your mind. Suddenly, a head pops up from the railing. Yea, you guessed it.

"What's up, Y/N?" Luffy laughed. He hopped in and plopped himself down next to you. "Why are you here all by yourself?" His face got really close to yours. You turned to hide your flushed cheeks.

"Y/N?" Luffy sounded confused. "Is there something wrong?" You shook your head quickly, and tried your best smile. "Of course not; why would there be something wrong?" Luffy stared at you for awhile before shrugging. "You just looked kind of depressed for awhile."

Your smile went away. Then, resting your chin on your palm, you sighed deeply. There was a moment of silence. Luffy began to snicker, and you stared at him with confusion.

"What's so funny?" you asked, trying to hide your cheeks again. Luffy laughed harder. "Your face is turning all red!" he smiled, and he poked your jawbone. You tried to move away from him, but Luffy wasn't giving up that easy.

"Come back here!" he said.

"No!" you shouted, but Luffy didn't listen. Instead, he wrapped his long stretchy arm around your waste and brought you close to him. You felt his warm bare chest on your cheek.

"Luffy..."you couldn't talk. You suddenly wrapped your arms around his waist. Your body wouldn't listen to you.

"Y/N." Luffy's voice soothed you. He lifted your chin, and lightly kissed you.

That's it.

You love him.

You love Monkey D. Luffy.

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