Luffy and Shanks

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I saw the flag. Although it's been almost 11 years since I seen it, I could never forget that jolly rodger. The flag of the Red-Haired Pirates.

I sprinted towards the docks with Usopp right on my heels, hoping his father was there with Shanks. We arrived just as the pirates were unloading off the ship.

"Shanks!" I called. "Shanks, where are you!?" I searched for him in the crowd that had surrounded the pirates. Then, I spotted him. Taking in a huge breath, I shouted as loud as I could. "SHANKS!!!!"

"Luffy?" he said, looking around. I waved my arms to get his attention. His eyes lit up at the sight of me. "LUFFY!" He pushed his way through the crowd and gripped my shoulders. "It really is you!"

He noticed the straw hat. "See you kept your promise." he laughed. I had no words. I couldn't think of anything to say. So I slipped the hat off and handed it out to Shanks. "Here you go. Just like I promised, Shanks."

Shanks stared at it, and then back at me. Then, he laughed. He took the hat and placed it back on my head. I gazed up at him, confused.

Once again, Shanks laughed. "You are just like him, Luffy. Just like Gol Rodger." He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I'm so happy to see you, Luffy. I've always prayed for this day."

That's when the first tear fell from my cheek. "Shanks..." I whimpered, and I gripped his cloak.

"Keeping fulfilling your destiny, Luffy." Shanks breathed slowly. "You're almost there."

"I will, Shanks." I cried. "I promised, remember?" Shanks lets go of me and looks at me in the eye. He smiled that memorable grin. "Of course, I do."

I tried to wipe my tears away, but they kept falling. Shanks patted my head and smiled. "You can't cry, you're a man, aren't you?" I nodded, and stood up tall.

Pumping my fist, I smiled the biggest smile my face could managed. "Just you wait, Shanks! You're looking at the next King of the Pirates!!!"

Shanks laughed.

"Well of course I am. You're already wearing the crown."

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