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"No, it's my turn to cook!" you said, snatching the ladle out of Sanji's hand.
"You cooked last night!" Sanji laughed, and tried to get it back. "Come on, just let me do it!"

"No!" you smiled. Sanji took hold of your hips and pulled you closer. You removed his hands and began boiling water.

Then, you started cutting vegetables. As you sliced the carrots, you felt Sanji's arms slip between yours and swallowed your hands in his. Resting his chin on your shoulder, he whispered softly in your ear. "Let's do it together."

You turned your head and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Together."

You and Sanji worked in sync in the kitchen. He minced onions and greens while you filleted the meat and chopped it into bite-size chunks. At the end, you two let soup simmer.

"Done." Sanji said, wiping his forehead. Then, he rang the bell so the whole crew could come in for dinner. Luffy was the first one to arrive. After awhile, everyone made their in and you all sat down and ate the beautiful dish you and your love had created together.

After dinner, you stepped out and looked up at the stars. "Y/N." you heard his sweet voice behind you. You turned to face him and found yourself so close to his handsome face that your nose touched his.

"Sanji." you breathed. Sanji cupped his hand on the back of your neck with one hand, and then stroked your cheek with the other. "What is it, love?" His voice sinked in my mind.

"Kiss me."

He obeyed, leaning in slowly and softly placing his lips on yours. A warm feeling spread through your body, even though it was cold at night.

Sanji released you, but you didn't want him to stop. Sanji noticed, and kissed you again. "I love you, Y/N." he whispered. "My one and only."

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