Sanji's Choice Part 3

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I waved bags of food in the air as I approach the Merry. "Hey guys! Look what I remembered!" No one seemed amused except Luffy at my enthusiasm.

"Where were you?" Zoro asked, crossing his arms. "You've been for hours. AGAIN."

I shot a look at the swordsman. "That's none of your business. I got the supplies so now you can leave this island."


I heard him say it.

"I got the supplies so now you can leave this island."

He said it as if he wasn't coming with us. I had a bad feeling he planned to stay here with that girl he met. Damn cook. What was he thinking?


Sanji dropped the food bags in the kitchen and immediately left. He didn't say hi to me or anything. In fact, he completely ignored me as if I wasn't even there.

Was Sanji really going to stay with that woman? Was he really going to leave the crew?


"Hey Sanji! Check this out!" I yelled, and pulled out the new invention I just made. "It's the multi-purpose tool for a chef like yourself! See, it's got the ladle, knives,'re gone."

I looked up and noticed that Sanji didn't even acknowledge me. That wasn't normal for Sanji.

What was he thinking?

There's no way that Sanji would actually leave for some girl.


Nami announced that we were sailing off the next morning. Which meant I had less than 24 hours to decide what to do.

I wanted to be with Maria. I couldn't deny that. I wanted to stay and live with her and be with her every day.

But that meant I would have to leave the crew.

I would have to leave the Straw Hat Pirates. To quit being a pirate. To quit my dream of finding the All Blue.

Was I ready for that?

To leave my friends that I have spent many adventures with?

My head began to pound as I forced myself to leave the ship and seek out Maria.

For we needed to talk.

I knocked on Maria's door and waited for her to answer. When she did, she didn't get the chance to say anything as I wrapped my arms around her. I held her tightly and close.

"Sanji.." she breathed, and pressed herself against me.

"Maria..." I whispered in her ear.

"I have made my decision."

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