Luffy's Hat Part 3

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I got scolded at when I got back to the ship.

"Where the hell were you, Luffy?!" Nami yelled, knocking me in the head. "It's way past dark!"

"I'm sorry, Nami." I rubbed my neck. "I got a little distracted, that's all." It was Sanji's turn to slam the bottom of his foot on my head. "You're always getting distracted! I know you specifically NOT to!"

"I'm sorry." I repeated, then I began to retreat to my room. Sanji stopped me. "Hey, Luffy! Aren't you hungry? I can heat up--"


"No thanks, Sanji. I'm not hungry." Luffy waved it off as he shut the door. Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and I all stopped what we were doing.

Did Luffy...just...reject food?

After Luffy left, all 4 of us exchanged worried and surprised looks.

"There is something terribly wrong with him." Usopp scratched his head. Nami rested her chin on her propped hand. "I wonder what could be wrong...Luffy has never been upset before."

"Well, not upset enough to not want food." Zoro chimed in, leaning against the cabin wall. All 3 of us agreed. "In fact," Usopp sighed. I nodded. "He usually eats food to cheer up." I finished.

I walked up to the closed door to see check on our captain, when I swore...I could hear him...crying.


The next morning, I woke early before anyone else. Hopping over the edge of the ship, I managed to sneak out unnoticed.

Sprinting to where I last spoke to Winter, I saw the sun emerge from the horizon.

"Luffy?" a familiar voice sounded behind me. I turned to find myself facing the person I've been looking for.

"Winter." I sighed. "You wanted to see me, so what is it?" Winter gestured me to follow her, and we walked along the shoreline.


I followed Luffy.

I had to know what was going on. I had to after what Sanji had told me.


"Nami," Sanji pulled me aside after everyone else went to the kitchen for dessert. "What is it, Sanji?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"It's Luffy..." he breathed. "I could've swore I heard him...crying." I gasped a little. "Are you sure?" I questioned, and Sanji nodded his head.

I bit my bottom lip. "Sanji, tell Zoro I'll take the night watch." Sanji opened his mouth as if to reject, but sighed instead. "Alright, but I'm staying up with you. If Luffy suddenly sneaks out, I don't want you to follow him alone."

"Alright," I breathed, and we joined Zoro and Usopp inside the cabin.

Sanji and I quietly walked around covered areas so Luffy wouldn't see us. We watched as he hurried in a full sprint to the shoreline. There, he seemed to be looking for something.

Or someone.

A girl with short black hair appeared and began to talk to Luffy. Then, the two began to stroll together along the shore.

"Who do you think she is?" Sanji whispered behind me. I didn't answer. Instead, I stood up and followed them, Sanji right behind.

"I'm going to find out." I said.

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