Roronoa Zoro and Kuina

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Some people think that Tashigi could be the reincarnation of Kuina. Some think it is her with a undercover name. Maybe even a twin sister?

Either way, this girl has touched Zoro's heart by making him remember his old friend from his childhood. This setting is how Zoro finally confronts Tashigi and gets the shocking truth from her.


There she is, I thought. Finally, I can get my answers. All I had to do now was get close to her. But she was surrounded by Marines. I had to wait till she was alone.

I waited for about 2 hours, when she finally decided to retire to her quarters. I snuck around her room's window and forced it open. There was no one there in the main room, but I could hear the water running behind a door.

Suddenly, the door opened and she walked out. She wore a tight tank top showing her stomach and jeans. She wasn't wearing those glasses and her face reminded me of Kuina. Short dark blue hair, kind determined eyes, and that smile.

It had to Kuena. There's no way she's dead. This girl they called Tashigi...she resembles Kuena too much.

I came up behind her, and covered her mouth so she wouldn't call for help. "It's just me." I whispered. "I need to talk to you." I released her and she turned to face me. She had an angry look and she crossed her arms.

"What do you want, Roronoa Zoro?" she asked. She seemed to get uncomfortable in her surroundings, or more frankly, around me. "I need to ask you a question." I said, leaning onto to the closest chair. "Who are you?"

Her face made a scowl. "Who do think I am? I'm Commander Tashigi of the Marines!" she announced. I shook my head, and she formed a worried look.
"Tell me who you really are." I demanded in a low voice.

"I'm-" she stopped, and then slowly sighed. "There's no way to get past you is there, Zoro?" My heart seemed to stop. Could this mean?

"Kuina?" I said, taking a step towards her.

She nodded.

I didn't speak, but I couldn't control my movements. I rushed to her and wrapped my arms around her back. Pressing her head onto my shoulder, I whispered, trying to control my voice. "I knew it was you. I knew you were alive."

"Yes, Zoro." Kuina slowly placed her hands on my back. "I'm still here." I releases her and gripped her shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Zoro, you're a pirate. I'm a Marine." Kuina pointed. "If we were seen together as friends, both of us would get in trouble." She was right. Kuina laughed a little at my expression. "What made you a pirate anyway?"

"Long story." I grumbled. Then, I hugged her again. It felt good holding her again, knowing that she's alive and well. "I heard you're on the Grand Line because you want to become the strongest swordsman in the world." Kuina muffled against my shirt. "I can tell you've improved a lot in your years."

She released herself from my hold, but locked her hands in mine. Her eyes glistened in the sunset's light. "You're keeping your promise even though you thought I was dead this whole time." I nodded. She laughed. "I know you can do it. I'll be there the whole way."

I cupped my hand around her neck and pulled her forward. I lightly pressed my lips onto hers. Then, I pulled away and squeezed her hand one last time.

I rushed towards the window and turned to smile at her. "See ya, Kuina. I'm looking forward to our next meeting." I gave a wave and jumped down.

Then, I ran happily all the way back to the ship.

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