Luffy and Zoro's Dedication

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I've always admired Zoro's dedication to Luffy. It always made me cry when those two had a friendship moment.

So now I'm going to show you guys a story that proves that these two's friendship were meant to be.

The scene right now is my version of when Zoro loses his memory and is fighting Luffy, and Luffy fights back for Zoro's sake.


"Stop it, Luffy! Zoro! Don't fight!" you yelled. "You don't have to do this!" You tried to run toward Zoro, but Luffy stopped.

"No, I have to do this." Luffy said. But his eyes told you everything. He didn't want to fight his best friend. "Here I come, Roronoa Zoro!" he yelled and stretched his arms for an attack.

But Zoro was ready. With two swords, one in each hand, and the third between his teeth, he blocked Luffy's punches with the flat side of the blades. Then, taking a step back, he charged towards his opponent.

"Zoro, you have to remember!" Luffy yelled, as he dodged Zoro's swords. "I'm not your enemy!"

Zoro swiped and grazed Luffy's arm. Luffy winced and threw another series of punches. One hit Zoro in the shoulder, which made lose his balence for a second. But he kept going with determination in his eyes.

"Beautiful, yet horrifying, right?" a voice from behind you laughed. You turned and found yourself facing the culprit behind Zoro's lost memories. "You." you called. "Give Zoro his memories back! You have no right to take them so you can make him fight his friends!"

"Don't worry," the boy smirked. "I'll give his memories back. I'm just waiting for the right moment."

"Moment?" you said, confused. "What moment?" The boy smirked again.

"That moment, of course." he said. "When Zoro cuts down Straw Hat Luffy. After he strikes him down, I'll return his memories just long enough for him to see what he has done to his best friend and captain. It'll break him." The villain let out a cold laugh.

You bite your lip out of frustration. "How could you..." you started. Then, turning back to see the fight, you watch in horror as Zoro sends a blade right through Luffy's side.

"LUFFY!!!!" you scream.

"It's time." the boy says, as he released Zoro's memories.

You rush to Luffy's side. He was breathing really hard. You took hold one of his hands in yours and cradled it.

"Luffy..." Zoro's voice sounded in the forest. You watched as Zoro slowly made his towards you and Luffy. He was on the verge of tears and biting his lip.

"It'll break him." the boy's voice echoed in your mind.

Zoro fell to his knees next to his best friend. "What have I done?" He touched the wound he had made in Luffy's side. "Luffy...I'm so sorry..." Zoro wept, he hid his face with the back of his hand.

You watched as Luffy raised his other hand and placed it on Zoro's shoulder. Zoro dropped his hand to look at Luffy's grinning face. "What?" he laughed a little. "You think this'll stop me? It's fine, Zoro."

Yoy saw the first tear drop from Zoro's face.

"Zoro. You didn't know what you were doing. It's fine." Luffy repeated. More tears fell from Zoro's cheeks. "Yeah, you say that. But this would've never happened if I was stronger. If I was stronger, I would've never had my memories taken away and I would've never fought you." He took hold of Luffy's hand. "I'm sorry, Luffy. I'm so sorry."

"Zoro..." Luffy smiled. "You will always be my best friend. No matter what you or I do. Remember that."

You sighed with relief as you watched Luffy lift himself to a sitting position. "Friends 'till the end, Zoro." He leaned to where foreheads touched. Tears of joy left your eyes as you listened to Zoro's response.

"And even after death, Captain."

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