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He was back.

You huddled your cold tiny body against the chilling damp corner in your dark. You wrapped your thin arms around your head and shook with fear. Suddenly, someone wretched your arm up with clammy claws.

"Come on, you wench!" the tall bandit spit. "I'm taking you to our leader!" He forced you to your weak legs and practically dragged behind him. You tried to fight back and jerked your arm away. But the crook had a strong grip, and you were very weak from the lack of food and water.

"You will listen to me, you ugly beast!" he demanded, as he forced to the hard dirt. You fell shoulder first and cried out in pain. The bandit just laugh a horrible cackle and kicked you in the back and gut. "" you begged in the biggest voice you could manage.

Suddenly, the bandit's cackles were replaced by a shrill. Then, silence. You forced your eyes open to see what had happened.

The bandit was sprawled on the ground, either unconscious or dead; you couldn't tell. Above him, stood your rescuer.

A man about 20 years old wearing nothing but dark baggy pants, large black boots, and an old-fashion orange hat with beads on it. He had messy black curls that hung around his ears and neck, which brought his big but soft brown eyes out. Tattoos covered his arms and back. His nose was dotted with small freckles and had a huge smirk across his face as he stared down at the beaten villain.

"You should never treat a woman like that, you worthless low-life." his tone was scary and demanding. The man kicked the body out of the way and kneeled down to you. "Are you ok?" he asked, his voice soothing you.

You tried to answered, but a series of coughs came out instead. Your hero placed his large strong hands on your neck and shoulder and lifted you a little. "Don't worry," he said. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm going to help you." You managed a weak smile to show him your gratitude.

The man then lifted you in his strong arms and cradled you as he carried you down a different path into the woods. You sunk into his arms and fell asleep with your head resting under his chin.

When you woke up, you found yourself staring up at a wooden ceiling. You gazed around and noticed you were inside a room. You propped yourself up and grazed your hands across your body, which was mostly wrapped in linen bandages. Your head was throbbing and your throat was dry, but other than that, you felt fine.

"You're awake." a familiar voice said, and you saw the same man who rescued you walk in from the door. "I was beginning to worry you would never wake up." He sat down on the side of the bed you laid in. You coughed out a few words.

" I?"

"You're on my ship. You've been asleep for 4 days since I brought you here to treat you." the man explained. Then, he tipped his orange hat at you. "The name's Ace by the way." You smiled.

"Thank you...for" you stuttered, your throat was killing you. Ace handed you a cup full of a hot liquid. "Here," he offered. "This will help a lot." You thanked him again, and took a sip. Almost instantly did it sooth your sore throat. You coughed a little to clear it out.

"I'm Y/N." you said, smiling. "I'm forever in your debt for saving me from those bandits." Ace chuckled and waved it off.

"Don't worry about it." he insisted, which made you feel sad. You wanted to repay him after what all he had done for you, even though he didn't know who you were. Ace must've noticed this, because he sighed and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"You know," he said, smirking. "There is something you could do." Your expression changed to anxiety.

"You can travel the seas with me." Ace offered excitedly, and your eyes widened with shock. "Are you serious?" you asked. Ace nodded. "Of course, never been more serious in my life." Then, he scooped your small hand in his large one.

"Y/N, in return of me saving you, I want you to stay with me."

You didn't hesitate to answer.

"Yes, Ace. I will stay with you always."

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