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It's been one day since you accidentally kissed Luffy, and it's been awkward on the ship ever since. The rest of the crew suspected something, but even Luffy wouldn't spill. But it was an accident after all.

All you did was slip and ended up falling onto Luffy, who was just as surprised as you were when your lips collided with his. Both of you were avoiding each other and it was bothering you more and more as the hours passed.

You and the crew were now docked at an island for supplies. You went off by yourself to go buy food, but noticed later on that Luffy was following you. Oh no, you think. He wants to talk about the kiss. You speed up your pace.

But Luffy didn't let you go that easily. "Y/N, wait!" He ran to catch up with you. Act normal like nothing happened, you thought, and you turned around. But only to find Luffy kissing you again!!!

You stand wide-eyed.

Luffy lets go and grins. "Whoops! Sorry, I slipped again!" He began to laugh.

You roll your eyes. Then, grabbing the top of his red vest, you pull him in for another kiss. This one being a full kiss.
You let go saying, "Sorry it was accident."

Both Luffy and you laugh over and over as the two of you kissed accidentally over and over.


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