Kid's Rage Part 5

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One moment I'm standing in front of the ferocious feline on the edge of the cliff, the next I'm falling...

With that stupid girl.

She had me by the collar, our eyes met as we descended head first into the abyss.

"Are you stupid?" I shouted over the wind in my ears. "Now we're both going to die!"

"Just trust me!" She yelled back, clenching my collar. "Do you trust me?" I didn't answer immediately and her eyes narrowed. "DO YOU TRUST ME, EUSTASS KID???"

I looked up to see that we were closing in to the dark bottomless pit and then back into Lucy's dark, determined eyes.

"Alright, fine." I smirked, holding onto her tiny body. "I trust you."


Her hands left my collar and smacked themselves on the sides of my face and pulled it forward, crashing her lips into mine.

My eyes widened. So this is how you end both our lives? With a bloody kiss? You little bi—

Suddenly, I felt my body stop falling, but no impact. I looked around and realized I was floating just a foot above the ground. Lucy laid across my front and then she lightly brushed her lips against mine and we collapsed onto the forest floor.

Our eyes met once more when she lifted her head from my chest, and she smiled. "You trusted me..." she breathed, exhausted.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled over to stand up, sliding her off. "Not that I enjoyed it..."

I looked around at my new surroundings and saw a beach ahead, connecting to the ocean. "That's one place to start." I began trudging forward, and glanced over my shoulder to see Lucy struggling to get to her feet.

I paused, gritting my teeth. Damn it...not again...

I bent down and picked her up by her bicep and then scooped her legs under my arm. "How do I end up in a debt again?" I made an excuse under my breath. Her head comfortably leaned on my shoulder. As I shuffled through the forest, the beach became more clear, and my eyes caught something...


My crew.

When I reached the treeline, I dumped Lucy against an oak and met up with Killer.

"Kid, you're alive! We couldn't find you in the sea. We thought you'd drown."

I patted his arm and counted how many men I had left. I had lost about half.

"We need a ship of some sort. Let's get off this bloody island!"

The crew cheered and scattered to find supplies. Killer turned and grabbed my arm. "Kid, there's someone watching us." I stopped and looked at Lucy, who was obviously staring at me with those large dark eyes...almost pitifully pleading.

Something snapped inside me.

"She saved my life." I said simply. Killer switched between looking at me and at Lucy. "What should we do about her?"

Without answering, I walked right back to Lucy.

"So you're leaving?" She smiled. "Good. I won't have to deal with your arrogant ass anymore." Her eyes averted from mine. But I wouldn't allow such ignorance. Pulling her chin up with my fingers, I leaned down to her eye level and smirked. "Oh, you are coming with me. As curdosity of paying off a debt."

Then, I kissed her.

"Congrats." I slapped her back, causing her to stumble forward towards Killer. "You've been accepted into the Kid Pirates. Rejoice and be glad."

"Trust me." She laughed. "It won't be too hard."

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