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"Hey, missy! Another drink over here!"

"Coming!" You rushed over to serve the impatient customer. It wasn't too busy in the bar, and it was quite peaceful. Almost too peaceful. It was a beautiful day: clear blue skies, happy faces everywhere.

Of course that's when a group of pirates barged in with crooked smirks and quick weapons. Silence took over the bar as you gulped and tried to remain calm. "How may I help you today?" you asked politely, trying to stay on the pirates' good side. A tall figure emerged from the crew and smirked down at you.

He had a brute muscular body, wearing tight pants and muscle shirt with big black boots. Across his chest was a holster for 6 pistols. Over his shoulders he wore a thick red cloak. His spiky hair was the same color and his piercing eyes stood out against his pale skin. His white canine teeth glistened in the sunlight shining through the windows. He was obviously the captain of the crew. He was a way...

"Hey! Didn't you hear me!?"

You snapped back into reality and blinked. The captain towered over you and sneered. "I said I want the place cleared out!" You noticed some of the customers already leaving the scene.The others froze in their seats and waited for what was about to happen next.

"You are not special. You are a customer just like everyone else here. So sit down and wait for someone to take your order!" you stated confidently. The man with the holey mask, who stood next to the captain, reached for his weapon.

"How dare you talk to Captain Kid like that!" He stomped forward, but was stopped by Kid himself. "Kid?" the crewmate questioned. You also cocked your head in confusion.

Kid smirk grew as he gazed down onto you. His daring sharp eyes piercing your heart, unprepared for the sudden feeling in your mind.

"I like you." he said. "You got spunk, girly. I like it."

Your eyes widen, along with his entire crew. But Kid showed no sign of sarcasm or embarrassment.

"I enjoy to have someone like you on my crew. How about it?"

You gulped nervously at the offer and then glanced over your shoulder to find your boss standing by the bar, watching you take on the pirates. You knew you would get punished for talking back to a customer, much less a pirate, and would probably get fired anyway.

You smiled to yourself. "Hey, Boss! I quit!" And you marched out of the bar. You twirled around and faced Kid. "Well? You comin?" As you turned back around, you heard Kid let out a laugh.

"That's why I like her!"

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