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"This is it!" Spandam cackled. "You are going to die now!" He raises his massive sword above your head. He swings and you rolled out of the way just in time.

But you couldn't run. Your legs were too cut up and weak to carry you. "Leave me alone!" you screamed. "Someone help me!" Spandam laughed, and began stomping on you.

You cry out in pain. Tears and blood mixed on the ground. "Now to finish you off." Spandam hissed, raising his weapon again. "No..."you whispered. "I don't want to die yet!"

And as if on cue, a blast shot down Spandam, sending him flying across a few yards from your broken body. You forced to look up to see where the shot became from. There stood your hero.

"Usopp..." you wept with relief. "Thank you..." Usopp ran to your aid.

"Y/N..." he said, lifting you into his arms. "Hey, speak to me. Come on." He shook you a little to wake you. You forced your eyes to open, and raised your head to look at Usopp's face.

"Usopp..." you choked on blood and coughed. "You saved me..." You felt Usopp's tears fall on your cheeks.

"Just hang in there. I'll get you out of here." he said, and began to lift you up from the ground. You screamed in pain. Usopp lowered you and cradled your shoulders, more tears falling from his cheeks to yours. "Please...just stay with me..." he begged.

"Usopp..." you said, looking into his eyes.

"What is it?" Usopp asked.

"I've never realized how handsome your eyes were." You forced one last smile. "And now I know..." You couldn't finish.

"No! Wait! Don't leave me! Wait!" Usopp cried.

Your vision was swallowed into darkness. But left a smile on your face.

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