Zoro and Sanji's Rivalry

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So everyone knows of the rival of these two. But there were moments when Zoro and Sanji put aside their differences and become the strongest team.

This story is about one of those moments where you witness these two's rivalry becomes friendship.


"Damn it, Mosshead!" Sanji complained. "You keep getting in my way!" You rolled your eyes as you, Sanji, and Zoro ran away from the Marines. They were gaining on you, but you were too out numbered to fight them.

"Shut up, you damn cook!" Zoro shouted back. "It's your fault for getting the Marine's attention on us in the first place!"

"Will you two give it a rest!" you demanded. "You two need to start working together and stop fighting! We're on the same side for crying out!" That made the idiots shut up but it didn't stop the death glares they gave each other.

"Oh no." you said, as you watched Marines close in from in front and both sides. You 3 stopped. "Damn, we're surrounded." Sanji cursed.

Zoro drew two of his swords and made a stance. "No big deal." he grinned. "We'll just take them all out."

"Wait, Zoro." you stopped him before he could charge. "They have guns." Zoro gazed up at his opponents and saw the barrels of over hundred rifles pointed straight at you from all sides. "Damn, we're trapped." he grunted.

"No kidding." Sanji lit a cigarette, and blowing a stream of smoke, he searched for a way to escape. Then, one of the Marines stepped forward.

"Surrender, pirates!" he commanded. "You are out-numbered."

Sanji and Zoro grinned, while you stood between them. You were prepared to use your devil fruit power if necessary, for it took a lot of your strength, unlike most devil fruits.

"You really think we would surrender to you?" Zoro said, almost laughing. He clenched his fists tighter around the hilts of his swords. Sanji blew another stream of smoke. Then, taking a few steps forward, he smirked deviously. "You must be stupider than we thought."

"Hey!" the Marine commander shouted. "Don't try anything funny. I'm warning you: make one false move and we'll shoot you dead." Something sparked between his fingers. He has devil fruit powers, you thought.

"Hey, Zoro." Sanji called, as he continued to move towards the commander. It was the first time you ever heard him say Zoro's name. "Guard Y/N while I take care of this guy." Then, looking at the Marine, he said, "I'm not afraid of your bullets. I'm too quick for those."

"Oh yeah?" the Marine smirked. "Too fast, you say? Would you think faster than lightning perhaps?"

"Sanji, look out!" you cried. But it was too late. The Marine sent a bolt of lightning from his fingertips and right into Sanji's body. "SANJI!" you screamed.

Sanji's electrocuted body began to fall, but Zoro sped by you and caught him before he could touch the ground. You shot ice out of your hands to freeze everyone except the commander into ice statues. Then, you knelt from exhaustion. You lift your head to see Zoro holding Sanji, where Sanji was leaning against him with his head hanging on his shoulder.

"Sanji..." you whispered. "Zoro..."

"You bastard..." Zoro growled. "I'm going to make you pay!" He gently set Sanji down and charged towards the commander, finishing him off quickly.

Once he was done, he ran back to Sanji, where you were cradling his head and stroking his forehead.

"You damn cook..." Zoro mumbled. "Look what you've done now." He pressed his hand on Sanji's chest. Zoro's eyes widen. "No, it can't be." Zoro whimpered. You look at Zoro, then at Sanji. "Zoro, you dont mean that hes..." You didn't finish as you saw Zoro's expression.


"Sanji..." you heard Zoro whispered. At first, you thought you were hearing things. That was the first time you ever heard Zoro say Sanji's name.

You hung your head and began to cry. Then, you noticed it. "Um...Zoro." you said. Zoro looked at you.

"You're checking the wrong side of his chest." you pointed. "Your hand is on the left side. His heart is on the right." Zoro stared at me with disbelief, then he bent down and put his ear on the right side of Sanji's chest.

His eyes widen. Then, lifting his head, he curled his fingers into a fist and clubbed Sanji right on top of his head.

Sanji bolted up and yelled in pain. "Ah! What the hell was that for, Mosshead!" Zoro stood and brushed off his pants. "For making Y/N think you were dead. She was worried sick." I rolled my eyes at the lie. Just go with it, you thought. He'll never admit it to his rival.

"You didn't have to hit me!" Sanji shouted.

"Oh yeah? Well don't go playing dead then!" Zoro yelled back.

You laughed as the two friends went at it again, knowing that they really did care for each other in a way only their friendship understood.

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