Usopp's Dream Part 4

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"You know," Isabel breathed. "He used to call me Little Izzy." She wiped a tear from her eye. "We would go fishing in the sea and he taught me how to skip stones. He was an amazing cook, too."

I nodded as she went on with all these memories. Then, I began to think about my own father. He left me and my mother when I was still a little kid, and I realized that I don't have a real memory with just the three of us.

I heard Isabel let out a small laugh. "My father was a brave and strong pirate of the seas. He was a fighter and also a caretaker. And he never gave up on his dream."

"What was his dream?" I asked. Isabel hooked a strand of hair. "To be a brave warrior of the seas. To seek out the island of giants Albaf." Then, her brown eyes met mine. "Do you know what my dream is, Usopp?"

I shook my head.

She smiled. "To become a warrior of the seas. Just like my father wanted to be." I grinned and laughed to myself. To think this crazy girl had the same dream I did.

"Do you think I can do it, Usopp?" Isabel asked, turning her body to face me directly. "Do you think I could succeed if I was to sail the ocean?"

"You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it and never go back." I said confidently. "I know I'm not." Isabel cocked her head to the side.

"What is your dream?" she asked, sliding closer to me. "I'm curious." I smiled and shook my head. "My dream is not important." I said, placing a hand on hers. "This is about you. Not me." Then, I breathed deeply.

"Besides," I admitted. "I'm more focus on making my captain's dream come true. If mine comes true on the way, then good for me." Isabel shook her head, confused. "Why would you do that?" she questioned. "Why would you put your life on the line to make someone else's dream come true and not your own?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied. "Because to me, that's a little hypocritical." Isabel's face flushed. Then, she started crying.

She broke down by collapsing her head on the table and covering it with her arms.

"Isabel..." I sighed, and placed a hand on her back and rubbed it gently. "I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway." Isabel raised her head and gazed over at me with her teary eyes.

"No," she said. "Thank you."

"What?" I said, confused. Then, she wrapped her arms around my torso and pressed her cheek to my chest. "Thank you, Usopp." she repeated softly.

I slowly placed my arms around her shoulders and held her for awhile. I couldn't say anything; I didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Isabel pushed herself out of my arms and shot up to her feet. "Get your stuff, and come on." she ordered. I stood up. "Where are we going?" Isabel turned and smiled.

"I'm taking you back to your friends."

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