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"So? How do I look?" I twirled in my new dress. Zoro didn't turn around and grumbled under his breath. "This is a stupid idea. It's not going to work."

I put my hands on my hips. "Look, do you want your swords back or not?" Zoro didn't answer. I groaned and thought about what had happened this morning.

"Nami! Get back!" Zoro called, and pulled me behind him. "Stay there!" he ordered and drew his three swords.

The Marines closed in with their own swords. "Just give up pirates!" they said. "You're out-numbered!" They backed us up against the brick wall and pointed their weapons to our chest. I gripped the back of Zoro's shirt. "Zoro, what do we do?"

Zoro didn't answer, but tighten his teeth on the hilt of his special katana. Then, he threw down his two other swords. The Marines looked at him, confused. He slipped his katana out of his mouth and gripped it in his hand. "Zoro, no." I said, grabbing his arm. I knew what he was planning. "Don't do it..."

"This is the only way." I said. "If we sneak in the party, we could get access to the armory; that may be where there keeping your swords." Zoro nodded and turned to face me. His eyes widen and he cleared his throat.

"How do I look?" I repeated. Zoro cleared his throat again. "You look nice." he said. I smiled. "Thanks. You ready to go?" Zoro nodded.

We left the ship with the rest of the crew giving us good luck. We arrived at the island's mansion and turned in our invitation(which I stole).

As we walked around, looking for a sign of any armory, sweet slow music began play from the orchestra. It made me want to dance. But looking at Zoro, I knew he wouldn't think twice about it.

"There." Zoro pointed. He dragged me to the double doors on the far side of the Grand Hall and we sneaked our way inside. We walked around the armory and found his three swords. "Hello, at last." Zoro smiled.

"Great, now let's get out of here." I said. But we were beaten to the door. The guards captured us and took us to the master of the mansion.

"What are pirates doing in my home?" he asked, even though it was obvious. "We're not pirates." I said. "Have you ever heard of a female pirate?" The master thought about this and then smirked. "Well if you are not pirates, what are you?"

"We're together." I blurted. Zoro's cheeks puffed out like he was holding something back. The master raised a brow. "Really?" I nodded and elbowed Zoro, who cleared his throat. "Yeah, together." he coughed.

"Well in that case, kiss." the master smiled. Zoro choked on air, and my jaw dropped a little. "Kiss? Why?" I asked. The master shrugged. "To prove yourselves. I don't believe your story, but if you two kiss, I'll forget about tonight and you let go on your merry way with your swords."

" this really necessary?" I gazed over at Zoro for support, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. The master rested his chin on his hand. "Is there a problem?"

"Yes, there is." I said. "Look, you got us. We're-"

My words were stopped by the sudden kiss from Roronoa Zoro.

His hands tighten on my arms and his lips were warm and soft. He released slowly and wouldn't meet my eyes. I fought against my tears and turned to the master.

"There." I said. "You happy?" The master shrugged. "It's was fine for a kiss. You may go."

Me and Zoro walked back to the ship with Zoro's swords; an awkward silence between us. Suddenly, Zoro stopped. "Zoro?" I blinked. "Are you ok?"

I'm..I'm fine." he stuttered. Then, his handsome gaze met mine. He cupped my face and pulled me into another kiss. As he pulled away, he whispered thank you, and it tore at my beating heart. "I just wanted to do it one more time."

"Who's says you have to stop?" I smiled, and wrapped my arms around his neck and we danced outside under the stars.

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