Ace's Mission Part 3

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Rachel kept her distance from me, walking about 3 feet apart from my left. Her head hung down to avoid any eye contact with anyone, as if she was embarrassed by me. We slipped through the busy crowd and finally found an opening under one of the cafe's canopy.

"So what's with this excited audience?" I asked, gesturing toward the crowd. Rachel leaned herself against a table and crossed her arms. "It's the annual Fireworks Festival. People all over the Grand Line come here to celebrate. I believe this year makes it its 100th year."

"Sounds pretty fun." I smiled. Rachel shrugged it off. My mouth twisted to the side, thinking of a way to make her smile.

"Do you know any great spots to watch the fireworks?" I asked. Rachel glared at me, but then her eyes softened and her mouth formed a straight line.

"Of course I do." she replied proudly. "I watch it from the same spot every year. It's got the best view on the island!" I beamed. "Well, it's a good thing I met you then!"

The straight line fell into a frown. "What makes you think I'm going to take you to my spot?"

"I liked to see the fireworks before I continue my mission. I want the best seat in the house. And besides," I smirked with one brow raised. "You owe me."

Rachel's face scrunched. "How dare you." I begged her with my eyes sweetly. Then, she huffed out a very long sigh in defeat. "It's almost dusk. It's a long walk so we better get going."

"Lead the way."

After a 10 mile hike up a mountain on the island, Rachel stopped at the edge. She made herself comfortable and hung her feet over the ledge. I joined her and too swung my legs over.

"It's a very astonishing view." I awed. Rachel didn't answer. I sighed, trying to think of another topic.

She beat me to it.

"What is your mission?"


"That mission you were talking about. The one you said you would continue after the fireworks show."

"Oh, um, well I'm searching for someone." I replied.

"Who? A pirate?"

I nodded. "A former crewmate, actually. He commited a crime beyond piracy and my captain has ordered me to hunt him down. I'm responsible for him since he was in my division." Rachel nodded. "I see." she said, and then hung her head slightly.

"I overheard your conversation at the bar. You said you were hunting down a man called Blackbeard?" I nodded, hesitantly at first, thinking I knew where this was heading.

"Is that his real name?"

I shook my head.

"What is it?"

"Rachel, may I ask you a question?"

"Answer mine first."

I sighed. "His real name is Marshal D. Teach." Rachel didn't seem phased by the name, shockingly. "Alright, what's your question?"

I had to reword mine in order to find out what Rachel knew. It seemed at the time she didn't know who Teach was. She could be faking, though, since she clearly doesn't like me still.

"Was your father a pirate?"

"Why? You think this Blackbeard is my father?" She assumed immediately. "I couldn't tell you. I never knew my father."

"That didn't answer my question."

Rachel glared at me. A moment of silence brought tension between us and for a second I thought she might push me off the cliff.

"Yes, my father left me to become a pirate."

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