Usopp's Dream Part 3

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I woke up to the smell of freshly cooked fish, the way Sanji always made his. Opening my eyes slowly to the light, I watched as Isabel maneuvered around the old rusty kitchen area. She seemed very coordinated with her work and didn't hesitate one bit to make a move.

As she turned to set the table, she spotted me raising myself up. "About time you get up." she complained. "I thought you were going to sleep the day away." I rubbed the back of my neck. "What time is it?" I asked.

"It's nearly noon." she huffed, and began plating the food onto two dishes. "You're lucky I decided to make you food even though you didn't help me one bit this morning."

"Lucky me." I grumbled, and sat myself at the table. Isabel stuck her hip out and placed both her fists on her sides. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked, as if my apparent mistake was obvious. "Go wash up; I can't have something so dirty sit at the table."

Well thanks, I mumbled in my head, and I headed outside where a water basin was waiting for me. I dipped my hands in the cool water and splashed my face with it. "What is her problem? No patience what's so ever."

I grabbed a nearby towel and dried my face. Then, I spotted something in the corner of the house. Literally. A piece of rectangular wood was sticking out of the rotting logs. I lodged it out and stared at it. No way.

It was the picture frame I found last night.

But was it doing forced into the side of this shack? Did Isabel do this when she ripped it out of my hands?

I marched back into the house with the picture in my hand. "Isabel, we need to talk." I said. Isabel looked up at me as she placed the last of our lunch on the table. She spotted the frame and her face got red. "What are you doing with that?" she growled. "That's not yours! Give it back!"

"Why?" I asked forcefully, holding it high so she could reach it. "So you can lodge into this shack again? I don't think so. I have questions that I want answered." I stared Isabel straight in the eyes. For a moment, she appeared she was about to cry, but instead she bit her lip and turned away from my gaze.

"Fine," she sniffed. "What do you want to know?"


We were forced to hide out in one of the abandon warehouses in the back part of town. We had no idea that the Marines were following us.

We also had no idea Usopp had disappeared from our group. The sad thing is that we didn't notice until we arrived.

"Where do you think he is?" Sanji asked, blowing a stream of smoke. Everyone glanced at one another and shrugged. Luffy shot up to his feet an stretched his arms.

"Well there's no use hanging around here thinking about it." he said, laughing. "Let's go look for him!" I shook my head. "No, Luffy. The Marines are still out there and we have no cover whatsoever." I sighed, as I thought about to say next. "We need a plan if we are to find Usopp and get off this island without getting caught."

"Agreed." Zoro said, resting one wrist on the hilts of his swords. "What do you suppose we do?"

"I don't care what we do." Luffy began rotating his arm like he was about to punch someone. "As long as we get our crew back together, I don't care if the Marines do catch us! I'll take them all down!" He laughed obnoxiously.

Everyone groaned, but deep down we knew Luffy was serious. There was no way he was leaving Usopp behind.


"Who's the man in the picture?" I asked. "Is it your father who became a pirate?" Isabel nodded.

Both me and her were now sitting next to each other at the table with the picture frame between us. Every so often, Isabel would straighten her glasses even though I fixed them last night. She wouldn't stop fidgeting. Combing her hair with her fingers, fiddling with her shirt, and even tapping the table.

"Isabel, you need to calm down." I tried to make her chill. "There's nothing to be nervous about." Isabel shook her head. "I'm not nervous." her teeth chattered even though it was very warm inside the hut. "Your actions tell me otherwise." I said.

Then, I pointed at the picture. "Why did you try to break this picture?" I asked. At first, she didn't answer, and I huffed. "Isabel." I tried to get her to corporate.

"He abandoned me!" she yelled suddenly.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. "Isabel..." I sighed. Her whole body began to tremble.

"He abandoned me when I needed him most." she bit her bottom lip. "He told me the sea was calling for him, and he couldn't ignore it."

"My mother had just died and it killed both of us, and he knew I wasn't handling it well. But it didn't matter. Not to him. I begged him to stay, but he simply patted me on the head and left." Isabel's shaking hands clenched into angry fists.

I quickly wrapped her tiny body in my arms before she could do anything rash.

"It's okay, Isabel." I shushed her to not say anything else. "Don't think about it anymore."

"No," her voice cracked. "I need to get this off my chest." She took a deep breath and stared at the photo. Then, she let out a small laugh.

"Will you hear me out?" she asked, gazing over to me with her teary eyes.

"Of course."

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