Ace's Mission Part 2

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I cracked the knuckles on my left hand and suckered the bastard in the jaw and then nailed his gut with my right. In less than 10 seconds, the scum and his buddies scurried out like the rats they are and the bar grew quiet to normal.

I exhaled a sigh and gazed down at the maiden who was being harrassed. She was very small; maybe a foot shorter than me with a very thin waist. Her chocolate curls were pulled back into a tight ponytail. Her eyes were the color of emeralds. She wore a beautiful white short-sleeved gown with a light pink apron and skinny cream boots.

"Are you alright?" I crouched to her level and held my hand out to her to help.

The maiden flinched and surprisingly made a disgusted face at me. She picked herself up and brushed off her skirt. "I don't need your help; I had everything under control." I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief. "You're welcome." I said and rose back up. I noticed a bloody gash right above her elbow. "We should treat that. We don't want it to get infected or worse." I began to reach out to help, but again, the woman jerked away from my grasp. "I'll treat it later. I don't need a pirate's help."

I then figured out what was up. "Oh? Who's says I'm a pirate? I'm a bounty hunter, if you must know." The woman rolled her eyes and placed her opposite hand on the cut on her arm. "I know that mark on your back. It's the mark of the Whitebeard Pirates. I also know who you are; you are Portgas D. Ace, Commander of the 2nd Division."

I smirked and bowed my head. "At your service. Now, may we please get this arm check? You're losing a lot of blood by the minute."

The maiden grew silent for a couple of seconds and glanced at her injury. Sighing out of defeat, she nodded and I followed her into the back kitchen. There, I borrowed a soft rag and drenched it in water and began to soak up the running blood from her arm. Every once in a while, I'd graze the cut and the woman would flinch. After I apologized though, she would roll her eyes and deny she felt any pain. She was tough and stubborn, I'll give her that.

I tied the two ends of the linen wrap and patted it gently. "There, all better." I gifted her with the biggest cheeky smile my face could manage.

"Stop smiling." she unexpectedly gritted her teeth. I stopped and cocked my head to the side in confusion. "Why? Smiling makes everything better." She avoided my gaze and twiddled her tgumbs in her lap. "Not if there's nothing to smile about."

"All the more reason to smile." I pointed out and then clapped my hands together. "And how can you say there's nothing to smile about? There's plenty! Come on, I'll show you." I offered my hand out to her, and she stared at it.

Then, she slapped her hand on my palm and groaned. "Let's get this over with." I grinned and squeezed her hand.

"My name is Portgas D. Ace." I introduced myself, despite the fact that she already knew it. "What shall I call you?"

She shot a look of distrust before answering. "My name is...Rachel. Rachel Teach."

My grin fractured a little, and pushed the thought aside.

"Well, Rachel. Shall we?" I moved aside and held the door for her, and then followed her out of the bar.

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