Discussion part 01

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Chapter 81:

In the time of the night, Avneil were standing in Neil's room and Neil was capturing her in his arm, his hand was on her waist and Avni was looking at him astonishingly.

Neil: you have to give me a daily morning and a night kiss.

Avni widen her eyes and tried to come out of his grip.

Avni: n, nk le leave me.

Neil tightens the grip.

Neil: stop struggling wifey, we will get tired.

Avni looks at him.

Neil: so promise me, you will give me that.

Avni was trying to come out from his grip.

Avni: we will see.

Neil: no, promise me.

Avni looks at Neil.

Avni: NK, what is this childishness?

Neil: whatever, promise me.

Avni: ok.

Neil: ok what? Promise me.

Avni: ok promise, promise.

Avni promised so he lives here, but Neil is Neil he understood by seeing her that she is just saying it.

Neil: good, so.

Avni look at him

Avni: so?

Neil: ssooooo.

Neil turns his face and shows her his cheek, he points at his cheek. Avni widens her eyes and again attempts to get out of her grip.

Avni: NK, leave me.

Neil: why you promised me, now you can't back off.

Avni was looking at him.

Avni: ab N NK, pp please leave me.

Neil shook his head.

Avni: NK, I, I need time. Please.

Avni looks at him, Neil smiles and kisses her forehead.

Neil: ok.

Neil kisses her cheek.

Neil: I don't need time.

Avni widens her eyes and looks at him, he winks. Avni blushes by looking down. Neil smiles.

Avni: now let me go.

Neil: no, please stay here I want to be with you we are together after so many ups and downs.

Avni cup his face.

Avni: now we will be together, don't worry.

Neil: promise?

Avni: promise.

Neil smiles and leaves her.

Neil: at least, stay here you sleep with Ansh and Navya; I will sleep on the couch.

Avni: but NK.

Neil: please.

Avni: that day will come soon when we will live together, just a few more days.

Neil: ok, go. I will wait for that day.

Avni smiles.

Avni: good night.

Neil: good night.

Avni picked Navya and went and Neil sighs.

Avneil were sleeping in their room and thinking about each other and about what happened, both were not in a mood to sleep as they were very happy.

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