Vacation part 02

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Chapter 52:

Next day avneil went to visit different places and everywhere Neil was remembering his past like they went to the mall road navya was in Neil's arm and ansh was holding his hand and avni was walking with them where Neil hears the laughing of 3 person one was he second Dd and third vidyut.


Three boys of teen age almost 17 18  were walking and laughing they were Neil vidyut and Dd they were walking and laughing

Neil: aww vidyut baby again fall in love.

Dd and Neil did hi fi vidyut look away.

Vidyut: stop it guys seriously this time it's a true love.

Dd: last time you said the same.

Neil and dd laughs.

Vidyut: stop it or I am going.

Neil: where will you go by leaving us no one can tolerate you like us and I am giving you an advice free of cost forget that girl she is not your type she will ditch you like previous 30.

Dd was laughing.

Neil: I am wondering dude how can you fall in love every second day.

Vidyut get angry but neil was right where he will go they are best friends since childhood.

Vidyut: this time this will not happen it's true love.

Neil: vidyut you and your love last night my ears were aching by hearing the word baby I literally wanted to throw your phone and this is not love these are just flings true love would have happen only one time you must be attracted to many people but only one person can make a place in your heart that no one can replace it and that is true love my dear friend.

Dd: wah wah wah wah.

Neil: thank you thank you.

They laughs.

Vidyut: then you will die bachelor.

Neil: nope my heart is saying someone is in this world who is waiting for me and soon I will meet her.

Vidyut: Romeo.

Neil smiles.

Neil: but I am sure you will die bachelor mark my words.

Neil and dd smiles and vidyut looks away.

Flashback ends.

Neil was lost in his thoughts and he was smiling avni notice that ansh  pulls Neil's hand Neil came out of his thoughts and look at ansh then he look here and there.

Ansh: papa.

Neil look at ansh Neil wipe his tears and smiles avni notice that.

Neil: yaa yaa tiger say.

Ansh: papa I am hungry.

Neil: ok tiger come let's eat something.

They went then they had the lunch in a restaurant and went to visit park and church in the church Neil also miss his friends.

Neil hear: Neil Dd I will marry her here in this church.

Neil smiles memories are so weird it give us happiness and pain at the next second. we had tears and smile at the same time and no matter how much we try we can't get those moments back again and sometime the memories are so painful that we don't want to remember them but they were not letting us to live avni was just looking at him.

Avni: are you ok?

Neil: yaa actually there are some no  actually uncountable memories of here I have so just remember them and got emotional but I am fine I am fine.

Avni smiles Neil look at ansh.

Neil: did you like this place tiger.

Ansh: yes papa.

Neil: you know whenever I came here I always visit this place.

Avni smiles.

Ansh: wow papa.

Neil and avni smiles then they went to visit park and came back at night.

Later all were sleeping but Neil was pretending to sleep he open his eyes and saw avni is sleeping Neil think and sit on the couch as he was sleeping on the couch he was missing his friend Neil take the keys from the drawer and went avni open her eyes she was awake she saw the time it's 12:45am avni think on the other side Neil open the door of the room and coughs because it was locked since years Neil moves the Hand in front of his face and coughs he saw that things are covered with white sheet and with dust he was looking at the room and tears filled in his eyes he hears that vidyut call his name Neil looks here and there but no one was there Neil again hears that and try to find but these all things are his hallucinations his eyes were teary Neil was a picture frame it was faded because of dust Neil went to the wall and Pick the farme and clean that with his hand he saw his and vidyut picture tears fall on the frame Neil hugs that and cries.

Neil: I am sorry I am sorry please forgive me I am sorry.

Neil falls on his knees and cries then he feels a hand on his shoulder he open his eyes and turns his face he saw avni and she shocked to see his condition neil immediately get up and hug her avni shocked and Neil was crying like a small child who wants to say that he didn't do anything avni hug him and caress his hairs.

Neil: I I didn't do anything I sware I didn't do anything trust me.

Neil sobs and tighten his grip at her arms avni was confused what happened to him.

Avni: ssshhhh calm down calm down.

Neil breaks the hug and was holding her shoulders.

Neil: you trust me right I didn't do anything you trust me.

Avni cup his face.

Avni: yes I trust you I trust you.

Neil smiles and his eyes were teary.

Neil: you trust me.

Avni make him sit on the bed which was covered with white sheet avni sit beside him she rub his back with one hand and shoulder with second hand neil was looking at the frame avni give him time to control his emotions after 10 15 minutes Avni saw that Neil is sitting by closing his eyes and picture frame was in his hand Neil took a deep break.

Avni: do you wanna share it?

Neil open his eyes and look at her.

Avni: you know what is the good thing about happiness and sorrow.

Neil Think.

Avni: happiness doubles by sharing and sorrow halve by sharing.

Neil smiles.

Avni: so just share it and free yourself from this burden of past don't let it to yourself I know how much it gives us pain so just say it you will feel better.

Neil Think.

Neil: what if you judge me.

Avni: never we are friends right and a friend never judge a friend you can share it with me.

Neil Think and look at avni she nods they were looking at eachother what is the past why Neil said she will judge me what happened in the past that Neil hate liars and how he lost his friend that too in his teen age but teen age is the age which took a person to the good and bad path it's the most dangerous and most beautiful phase of human life where some hold them and some fall some get and make themself ready to win the battle which they were fighting with themself so in his teen age Neil also gone through some things which snatch his friend from him and make him guilty for his friend death and also give him direction that where he have to go Neil was looking at avni and was thinking that he share it with avni or not and avni was waiting for him to say something.

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