One more trouble

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Chapter 129:

In the time of the morning, Neil and Avni were sitting in the dining area where they hears the sneezing of someone and saw Maya is coming down from the stairs and sneezing. Avni frowns and Neil smirks to see her. Avni saw that and doubted Neil.

Shweta: what happened, Maya?

Maya: nothing mummy Ji, the season is changing so caught cold.

Shweta: you should take care.

Maya nods.

Neil: Maya, I saw you going somewhere last night where were you going?

Avni frowns she looks at Neil then Maya who was shocked.

Maya: no, nowhere I was not sleepy so thought to walk into the garden.

Bebe: that's why you caught a cold.

Shweta: you should not go out at late night.

Maya: sorry Bebe next time I will be careful.

Maya sneezes. Neil smirks and stirs his spoon, Avni was looking at him Neil feels that and turns to her.

Neil: wifey, you are not eating anything. Come on, have something. Wait, let me serve you.

Neil serves her and Avni was trying to read his face. Neil looks at her he leans to her to divert her mind.

Neil: I know, I am handsome and you can see me later, right now concentrate on your breakfast my tiger must be hungry.

Avni looks down and Maya was looking at them she looks at her plate.

One week passed and Avni was better now and Neil arranged the security guard for Avni who stands outside their room and where Avni goes they go with her she felt irritated but Neil didn't listen to her. One day, Avni entered the room and was frustrated because of security. Neil was working by sitting on the bed, files and laptop were kept in front of him. He many times skips going office for Avni's safety as he doesn't trust Maya even one per cent. Avni comes to Neil.

Avni: Neil.

Neil was looking at the file.

Neil: hmm.

Avni: ask those guards that we don't want them.

Neil looks up.

Neil: now what happened?

Avni: you know very well, what happened. I am fed up with them wherever I am going they are behind me. It's so irritating.

Neil: Then who is asking you to roam here and there. If you are feeling irritated then sit here they will not come here.

Avni: you mean to say that 24 hours I spend here in this room, it is security or cage.

Neil looks away as it is their daily routine topic now.

Neil: I have work, Avni so please let me do it.

Avni glared him.

Neil: hey, I have an idea why don't you help me with it, your time will pass also.

Avni: and what about my kids? They are craving to spend time with me, play with me. Ansh asked me to play in the garden but your those giant guards also came there and spoiled our game. I feel so awkward to do anything in their presence how could I play with Ansh and Navya in their presence. Ansh asked me about the baby and I feel so embarrassed as they were standing there.

Neil: it is their job, Avni.

Avni: but I don't like it. I am a common person, not some politician or high profile personality who can't even step out of the house without security, who needs protocol. I am feeling like I am a leader of any political party and walking with a protocol.

Neil laughs at her statement it irritates Avni more. Avni picks his file and throws that near him. Neil flinched and looks at her. Avni goes. Neil smiles and shook his head. Neil sighs.

Neil: Avni, I am doing this for your safety. I can't take any risk at least till Maya is here.

Neil thinks. On the other side, Avni walked out of the room and guards followed her she stops and acted to starch Neil's face and clenched her fist and turns to them.

Avni: don't follow me.

Guard: it is our job, ma'am.

Avni grinned her teeth and turns to walk and they followed her. Like this time passed and four months passed, now Avni is seven months pregnant. Maya went from there and Avni got freedom from those guards. Maya and Neil filed for divorce and the process was going and Maya comes to meet Ansh and Navya on Sunday only. In these months, Maya did not do anything and somewhere Neil was also satisfied but again didn't want to take any risk.

One day, Neil went to the office and stuck in his work because of some technical issue the work had stopped. Avni was sitting in her room and was reading a book. Shweta comes there. Avni wanted to get up but Shweta stopped her.

Shweta: stop, stop, sit, sit.

Avni smiles.

Avni: you all are ready?

Shweta: yes, I came to tell you that we are going and taking Ansh and Navya with us they will trouble you and you can't run behind them in this condition so we decided to take them with us.

Avni smiles and said OK.

Shweta: take care of yourself and I called Neil but he didn't receive my call even Prakash Ji is not picking my call.

Avni: maybe they are busy. Neil called me and asked me to not worry about him there is some technical issue and he will be busy in resolving that.

Shweta: ok then now?

Avni: you go I called mamma she is coming here she will reach in 20 to 30 minutes.

Shweta: Should we wait?

Avni: no, no you go I will manage it is just a matter of few minutes.

Shweta: are you sure?

Avni: yes and I call Neil, maybe I receive the call now.

Shweta: ok. Take care, ok.

Avni nods. Shweta smiles and goes. Avni picks her phone and calls Neil but he was busy in the meeting and the phone was in his cabin and was in a silent mood.

Avni was sitting in her room and feels thirsty she turns and saw the empty jug. Avni sighs sadly and gets up carefully. No one was at home when she reached half the stairs the lights went off. Avni frowns and looks her and there.

Avni: what happened to lights?

Avni looks here and there. She decided to go to the kitchen and finds some candles. She comes down slowly and heard the sound of opening the door.

Avni turns.

Avni: mamma.

Avni was trying to recognise the person and looking at that person. Someone was coming and was wearing a hoody.

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