Storm Alert

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Chapter 84:

Avni was passing by the corridor and someone holds her hand and pulled her into the room, Avni flinched and was about to shout but all happened suddenly and was pinned to the wall, the room was dark but the sunlight was peeping from the curtain of the window. Avni tried to shout but the person keeps the hand in her mouth, Avni opened her eyes and shocked to see the person. It was Neil who was smiling and take his hand back.

Avni: NK, you.

Neil: yes, me.

Avni: what is this, why you pulled me here?

Neil acted to think and said hmm.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: some time ago someone was laughing at me, and I don't know why, but I am strongly feeling that you are that person, you look like that person.

Avni was surprisingly looking at him.

Neil: you were laughing at him that time right?

Avni shook her head.

Neil: no, no no, you were laughing, now be a good girl and accept your punishment.

Avni: punishment? why punishment?

Neil: for laughing at your husband.

Avni: when I laughed?

Neil: don't be so smart, when dad was threatening me, you were laughing at me.

Avni smiled.

Avni: so, you were frightened like papa will beat you.

Neil gives an angry look.

Avni: I mean, look at you NK you are a father of two kids and you were scared like a small kid.

Avni smiled.

Neil: you are making fun of me!

Avni look at him and realized what blunder she did now he will not leave her.

Avni: NK, I, I mean you, you were looking cute.

Neil was nodding.

Avni: yes.

Neil: cute right?

Avni nodded.

Neil: see, now what this cute can do.

Avni:NK, le.

Neil keeps the finger on her lips and said sshhhhh; Avni was looking at him.

Neil: now keep quiet and let me punish you.

Avni was looking at him, Neil looked at her lips then into her eyes and Avni's heartbeat increases; Neil look at her lips and leans to her, Avni closes her eyes and Neil cup her face he is about to capture to lips, Avni clenched her fingers and they heard Navya's crying and looked at the specific direction.

Avni: Navya.

Avneil looked at each other and went to see Navya as she was crying badly. Avneil hurriedly came to Avni's room and saw Navya is crying and Ansh is standing there, Avni take Navya in her arms.

Avni: what happened to my doll, why are you crying hmm, tell mamma.

Neil: Ansh, you say what happened?

Ansh remains silent.

Navya said while crying: bhai is saying, he will go with all for the wedding and they will not take me with them and bhai broke my doll also.

Neil look at Ansh and Ansh goes to hide behind Avni she holds him, Neil looks at Avni she shook her head.

Neil: your love spoiled him.

Avni: he is a kid.

Neil: always you said that; if we ignore his acts every time then that day is not far he will do become a thug.

Avni: what are you saying he is just a kid and you are talking like he did a big crime.

Neil looked at her Neil was angry because Maya also did these type of things to Avni so he doesn't want his son will become like her.

Avni: I will talk to him and my son is a smart boy he will understand.

Neil: you and your son, do whatever you both want to do because you will not listen to me.

Avni looks at him then she tried to console Navya.

Avni: Navya baby stop crying; I will buy a new doll for you ok.

Avni wiped her tears and said: now stop crying.

Navya sobbed, Avni signed Neil to take her he nodded and took Navya and kissed her cheek. Avni sits on the bed and takes Ansh's hands in her hands.

Avni: why you did that? Why you broke Navya's doll.

Ansh looked down and Neil was looking at them.

Avni: Ansh!

Ansh said while looking down: she said you are hers'.

Avni looks at him with a soft smile but she had to deal with him.

Avni: so, you will break her doll, you know that's wrong, right?

Ansh nods.

Avni: then?

Ansh: I am sorry.

Avni: aww my baby.

Avni hugs him and Neil makes a face.

Avni: I am both of you, you both are equal for me.

Ansh: I am sorry, I will not do that again.

Avni smiles.

Avni: I am glad you realised your mistake.

Avni kisses his forehead, Neil smiled.

Neil: and who said to you that you are going with all to the wedding.

Ansh: I will go.

Neil: and your school?

Ansh looked at Avni.

Ansh: please.

Avni looks at him helplessly she can't see him like this.

Avni: ok go but after this, you will not go anywhere.

Ansh smiled and Neil was about to say but he left that as they will not listen to him, Avni look at him and assured him by blinking her eyes that she will handle everything so Neil smiled and an idea strikes his mind.

Neil in mind: if Ansh and Navya go with them then I will get some alone time with Avni.

Neil smiles.

Neil in mind: yes, then we will spend some quality time.

Neil smiled and looked at Avni, he went to them and sit, Avni kiss Navya who was in Neil's arm and then she kissed Ansh, Neil also did the same and looked at Avni he kissed her, Avni shocked and widen her eyes, Neil smiled Avni looked at him. Neil winks and Avni blinks her eyes because of shyness

On the other side, A large building was shown and the hospital name was mocked up on it and someone was going to the room and entered the room where two doctors were standing. One was studying the file.

Dr: the patient is recovering, I think she will regain conscious soon

The second doctor nodded then Slowly the face of the person shown it is Maya. One side is Maya and the other side is AvNeil's perfect family they were smiling and happy, unaware of the storm which will hit them any time.

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