Secret Admirer Last part

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Chapter 35:

Neil came to meet neela maa they all were sitting in the living room avni came from outside and shocked to see Neil he look at her and feels something the same connection which he felt with his secret admirer.

Nm: she is my younger daughter avni.

As Neil heared her name he makes a serious face.

Avni: h hi.

Neil smiles to see neela maa but didn't give any reply to avni because of Maya's false stories maya smirk Neil think.

Neil in mind: why I am feeling this strange feeling no Neil you are over thinking how she can be your secret admirer she is so young her thoughts can't be that deep and why are you thinking like this Maya is your secret admirer and don't forget what this avni did with Maya she ruined her life how can she be your secret admirer but why i am feeling this positivity Neil stop thinking why your mind is stuck at this thing.

Maya saw him lost and get nervous that's why she never took him home before because she was afraid Neil will identify his secret admirer.

Maya: ne Neil what happened?

Neil look at her.

Neil: nothing.

Maya: avni come side.

Avni nods neela maa gave tea to avni and Maya intentionally hits Avni's elbow and tea falls on maya Neil saw that.

Avni: di I I am so sorry I don't know how it falls on you.

Nm: it's ok Avni it happens.

Neil shocked to hear neela maa he look at Maya who acts she was looking down Neil feels bad he angirly look at avni.

Neil: can't you see.

Avni look at him and her eyes filled with tears.

Avni: I I didn't do it intentionally.

Neil was about to say.

Maya: it's ok Avni I understand.

Neil look at Maya he wants to say but Maya shook her head he stops and look away avni's eyes filled with tears she went Maya smirk.

After some days the mehta house was decorated beautifully the guests were sitting there all were smiling but avni was sitting in her room she was sad and still she was not understanding why she is sad then Ali came there.

Ali: avni what is this all happening outside.

Avni get up.

Avni: Ali relax what happened?

Ali: don't act smart Avni I am talking about Neil and Maya.

Avni: Ali they love each other.

Ali: and you?

Avni: I am happy Ali I am happy for them.

Ali: avni stop this non sense.

Ali holds her hand

Ali: come with me and tell them the truth.

Avni take her hand back.

Avni: Ali don't be mad today is their engagement and they are happy I don't want to ruin their happiness..

Ali: avni if someone is mad it's you not me he loves you he is marrying his secret admirer and that is you.

Avni shocked.

Ali: Maya lied to him he is considering her his secret admirer he fell in love with his secret admirer Avni think what will happen when he get to know the truth he will shattered avni do you want this avni don't ruin three life.

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