Truth final part

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Chapter 121:

It was daytime, Maya pushes Avni out of the house. All shocked. Avni was about to fall but someone holds her on time. A packet of medicine was in the hand of the person. Maya is shocked to see that then she gets angry. Avni tried to see the person. She can see the blurred image and understand who it is. It was Neil who was looking down he looks at Avni and cups her face. Neil looks at Maya with bloodshot eyes. Neil makes Avni stand and cups her face.

Neil: you ok?

Avni nods but her head was spinning and was not able to open her eyes.

Neil: Neela maa.

Neil signs to handle Avni she nods and comes to them she holds Avni. Neil goes to Maya and holds the arm of Maya and pulls her out of the home.

Neil: how dare you? How dare you push her?

Maya: how dare she get close to you? She is a b.

Neil: Maya. Not a single word else I will forget everything.

Avni's condition was getting worse she was sweating.

Avni: Neil, Neil.

Neil looks at her and goes to her he cups her face. Maya gets angry.

Neil: What happened?

Avni: my, my head.

Neil: come let's go inside.

Neil was about to pick her.

Avni: no. Take me inside, just hold my hand.

Neil nods. Neil was taking her inside. Maya comes in their way.

Maya: she will not come into this house.

Neil: and who the hell are you to decide this? Don't forget it is my home.

Maya: you don't forget it is my home too and I will not let this jinx enter my home.

Neil: Maya, take aside.

Maya: why you want her in this home because she is your mis.

Neil: Maya.

Maya: what? She will not come here and that's final. She snatched my everything and now I will not let her snatch you from me.

Neil leaves Avni and Neela maa holds her.

Neil: I am not your property that you will show your right on me.

Neil takes her away and takes Avni inside. Maya said from behind.

Maya: What is your relationship with her who is she to you that for her you are degrading me.

Neil goes to make Avni sit on the couch. He turns to Maya and goes to him.

Neil: you want to know my relationship with her. Do you have the strength to know the truth?

Somewhere she was afraid that what if Neil had known the truth.

Maya cups his face.

Maya: why are you doing this? I am sure she makes you against me. You know that she is a liar then why you are doing this.

Neil jerks her hands.

Neil: enough of lies, Maya. You don't get tired of telling lies.

Maya: Neil, open your eyes she is a lie. I will talk to you later. First, I will throw her out of this home.

Maya tried to go to Avni but Neil holds her arm.

Neil: she will not go anywhere she will live here.

Maya: it is my home and I can not let her live here.

Neil shouts: it is her home too.

Maya shocked.

Neil: In fact, it is only her home. Only she has the right on this home, on me, on my breath, on my body and my everything.

Maya: what?

Neil: yes. I am only hers. I love her she is my life.

Maya shouts: how can she have right on you?

Neil shouts: because she is my wife.

Maya was shocked she felt like someone pulls the rug under her feat she was looking at Neil. Maya looked down and took a step back. Neela maa had tears in her eyes she is a mother whether Neil chooses Avni or Maya but she will definitely get hurt, will lose as she is a mother of both and loves both.

Maya: no, no. This can't be true. No.

Maya looks at Neil and comes to him. Maya cups his face. Neil looks away and tries to take her hands away.

Maya: no, no this can't be true. You are mine. You are mine. I know she forces you. She is the one who seduced you. You can't cheat me. You are mine. Neil, today I will throw her from here and we will start a new life. I love you, Neil. I love you.

Neil jerks her hand.

Neil: enough of your drama. I know the truth, Maya.

Maya shocked.

Neil: I know that Avni was my secret admirer.

Maya shocked.

Neil: she did not seduce me she even did not want to come into life. In fact, she did not tell the truth to me. I got to know that by living with her. She is not a liar you are a liar. You lied to me. She did not try to take your place in my life you are the one who did that, you took her place. You lied that you are my secret admirer you was the one who tortured her since childhood. The stories you told me, you did all that to her she is the victim of your cruelty. See, what you did with her, see her condition.

Maya: Neil, these all are lies. She is doing a drama.

Neil: enough Maya, she did not tell me the truth. I read her diary.

Nm: and I told him the truth.

Maya looks at her and gets angry.

Maya: you are my mother or enemy.

Neil: she is the best mother but you don't deserve her. You played with Avni's life, with my life you lied to me but as it's saying that truth can't be hidden for long. Your lies also got caught. You tried a lot to separate me and Avni but see destiny unite us.

Maya gets angry.

Neil turns to Avni but stops he turns to Maya.

Neil: till now whatever you did with Avni she beard that but now her Neil is with her and I will not let you give her a small scratch. You will find me in your way as her shield.

Neil looks at Maya and goes to Avni who had fainted. Neil pets her face.

Neil: Avni, Avni.

Neil picks her in his arms and takes her from there.

Neil lays her on the bed and petted her head.

Neil: now everything will be sorted. Now no one will come in our way. No one. Now we will live together.

Neil kisses her forehead.

After some time, Avni opens her eyes and saw Neil is sitting beside her.

Avni: Neil.

Neil looks at her and gets relief.

Neil: Avni.

Neil caresses his hair and kisses her forehead.

Neil: thank God. You wake up. How scared I was.

Avni smiles to see his care she thinks and looks at Neil there were hundred of questions in her eyes.

Secret Admirer जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें