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I went behind Klaus' back. I know not a smart idea but I did it for the Mikaelson family. Klaus' weakness is me and he won't ever admit it.

Elijah drive me to the location of the men who wanted me. "As soon as Rebekah, Kol and I get the White Oak stake we are coming for you." He reassured me once more.

Having the only thing in the world that could kill the love of my life, Klaus and my friends Kol, Rebekah and Elijah, out in the world made me
uneasy. It made me dread every time they left home because I never knew if I was going to see them again.

I know negotiating myself isn't smart and the men are probably going to hurt me. But at least I' ll be at ease the next time they venture out and do whatever business comes next.

"I trust you guys." I nod. Klaus has no idea. He is out planning his own attack. He thinks Rebekah and I are out doing girl things. I had to practicality beg him before he left me out of his fortress.

Rebekah won't let anything happen to me. Kol would die for me. Elijah would die with me. They are my family and i'm theirs. I wouldn't put my life in anyones else's hands.

I open the car door and exit the shiny black, extremely safe, car and set out to the old run down building that looks like it will fall to crumbles if a gust of wind hits it just right.

I walked right in, "Took you long enough. I will let Jasmine know to go ahead and hand over the weapons." A large beefy man came from the shadows. His jeans are tight like a Wrangler commercial, he matched that with a black lose v neck.

"I came as fast as I could." I say nonchalantly. I remained calm because I bet they would just love to have me scared to death. "So why was I worth trading?" I asked.

"Because as long as I have you, I have Klaus at my own disposal. I don't want him dead. I want him to be my own, obedient, killer."

"He will just kill you."

"I have everything thought out. I have certain people under strict order to kill you if I happen to die."


2 weeks later

I've been next to dead since the day I handed myself over to Marco. Every 2 nights I move locations. I guess he is a little paranoid that Klaus and his siblings, my friends, are looking for me.

He's right they are and he should be afraid.

I spend most days and nights starving. They give me enough blood to stay alive but I couldn't gain enough strength to do anything and break free from this Hell.

I sit on the cold cement floors of an old basement with my arms chained above my head. My hand dangles and I come in and out of sleep. I can barely tell what's real and not real. Dreams of a pretty stake sticking out of my chest appeals to me.

Bangs, large bangs brings me out of sleep and I lift my head, even that was difficult. I'm weak, powerless and useless right now.

The door that has me caged in this damp basement is yanked off it's hinges and thrown with force. I don't react to it. Whatever happens, happens. I can't fight it. All I can even think about it blood. Any blood. I need it and want it. It's becoming an obsessive thought that I can't shake like a newborn Vampire.

I can hear someone talking but I can't seem to make out what the person is saying. I don't know who it is.

I need to eat.

A warm hand grips my chin and brings my head. I'm faced with my boyfriend, Klaus. I smile weakly and close my eyes.

Please, don't be a dream.

"Drink." He demands as he shoves a wrist to my mouth. I don't refuse. I can't refuse.

I drink and drink until there's not a drop left and fling my head back and look at the corpse that's to my side. It was the man who tried to use me as leverage.

"Do not ever do this again. I went mad not being able to find you. I need you to be alive. I need you safe." He tells me while unchaining me. He helps me up and hugs me tightly, "I refuse to lose you." This time Klaus' voice is soft and caring.

It feels good to finally be able to be in his arms.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now