They Watch You Die

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I lay on the cold damp ground facing the beautiful sunset. Oranges, yellows, and pinks fade into one another. My eyes drift to my left and land on Klaus who is staring at me, his arms are chained upwards, the dagger that could kill him at his back pushing into his skin.

"It's okay." I'm able to mumble out. I smile weakly at the love of my life. I know i'm dying, my vision fades in and out. I look down to the wooden stake shoved into my chest. I never though dying would hurt like this. I've had many wooden stake pierce other parts of my body, my neck broke, poisoned, and it never felt like this.


"Kill her, Stefan" Klaus' beautiful voice demands his compelled partner, Stefan. He fights the compulsion the best he can. Although, so can sense him struggling, "I SAID KILL HER!" Klaus screams at the top of his lungs. The grasp Stefan has on my neck and head tighten making me flinch out of fear.

I don't blame Stefan. He had to, he was compelled so he had no other choice but to snap my neck. It hurt for a second but the pain drifted away as peace settled i . I had no vampire blood in my system so this is it. This was the end of my life, short and disappointing. I can only hope Stefan doesn't wallow in guilt after this and the others don't let him.


Klaus holds Damon, restraining him back to help me. Even with the super strength and speed i'm no match for Kol. He had centuries on me and he's an original vampire which makes him more stronger.

Kol throws me into a brick wall, the air in my lungs rush out in a scream. He smirks in a satisfied way. I barely move against the cold concrete in the alley way. I can hear Damon's grunts and yells but I can't make them out, my mind can't focus on anything. I cough while trying to stand on my feet. Kol waits patiently for me to make it, he pushes some of his dirty blonde hair away from his brown eyes. I lean against the red brick for balance. I take deep breaths which send a piercing pain through me.

"Ahhhhh" Klaus says amused with a large smile carved on his face, "Damon! Look, now I didn't expect y/n to last this long." He forces Damon to look at me. His eyes are cold as ice, no emotion running through him, "Kol, end it." Klaus says furiously through his teeth.

"My pleasure." Kol laughs.

I know this is it. This is the ending of my life. I glance at Damon, "Turn it off." I demand of him, "I love you, Damon." I say with my last, dying breath. Kol traps against the alley's wall. His body pressing against mine is a mockery towards Damon but I have absolutely have no energy to fight back anymore, "Do it. Fucking do it." I dare Kol. He takes the bait and rams his fist into my heart, grabbing it. He lets me feel the pain, I choke on it.

"Kol, Hurry up." I follow the voice of Klaus, Damon is pushed down to his knees. I watch him blink and become a new person. A person who no longer cares about anything or anyone. I just hope Stefan can bring him back.

The hold Kol has on my heart tightens, he looks me in the eye. Pure happiness dances in them, I give him a small smile before he rips my heart of out of chest.


I'm somehow always a barging chip when someone wants the Mikaelson's to bow down. Damon Holds me captive right now and Elijah held Elena captive a few days ago. One for one right? This is his retaliation and rightfully so but I wish I wasn't apart of it.

"You know what, I'm gonna kill and i'm going to record it and send it to Elijah, VIA phone." Damon lets his anger the best of him. He sets up his phone, angled perfect at me. I don't bother responding I know it won't do any good. He throws the chair he was sitting in while interrogating me earlier. He picks the sharpest piece of the broken chair and waves it into the phones camera. He walks slyly over to me like he owns the world, "I hope this hurts." He tells me seconds before the homemade stake impales me. I gasp, hurting, pain flows through me like a river. Every though escapes from mind and the only thing I can register is the burning sensation bleeding rapidity through my veins.


Klaus holds me tightly against him, my back to his front. He holds a brown wooden stake to my heart. Rebekah, my one true love, stands in front of me, tears streaming down her face screaming at her brother to let me go. But he's furious with her. She spilled packages of Elena's blood and now he wants, needs, revenge and his level of thinking right now is that she took his hybrids away and now he will take me away. He takes a deep breath, I can hear it. Klaus doesn't take his sisters pleading and shoved that death stick into my chest cavity. I hear Rebekah scream in horror as I'm being tossed onto the wooden floor of the Mikaelson Mansion.


I lay on a lumpy, old couch that smells like dust. I'm sweating like a maniac and the werewolf bite on my neck from Klaus is spreading by the second, "You don't have to wait here." I manage out to my girlfriend, Katherine. She sits on her legs on the floor stoking my hair out of my face.

"We have both been on the run together for over a hundred years, I'm staying." She tells me in a soothing voice.

"You'll need to get a head start. Go, please. For me." I spit out. She needs to leave. She nee- "End it, please." I start to beg her. She shakes her head vigorously telling me no.

I lay there going in and out of consciousness. Each time I think i'm somewhere else. I feel the end coming, "I love you." We have never said it, never called it what this was. I feel like now is the appropriate time to express my feelings.

"I know, I love you too." She releases.

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now