𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙾𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸

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"Is there anything you want to tell me Y/N?" Matt asked me after a long, unbearable silence. I know he knows about me and Damon, i'm sure Damon told him.

"Uhm-" How do I even tell him, "Yeah." I push the hair out of my face, "I slept with Damon." I finally uttered out in a low quick sentence. I was now classified as a cheater and it felt awful.

"Why?" He asks me with an emotionless facial expression.

"I don't know Matt. It just sort of happened."

"And kept happening." He added for me. He didn't wait for me to respond before he turned his back and left.

"That was anti-climatic." Damon appeared in the door way wearing a black button up, he left the first
few buttons undone exposing a little of his chest.

"You told him?"

"Y/N, I did. Whatever we have going on between us, I want it to be more than just sex."


"What went on between you and Kai in the prison world?" Stefan finally asked me. I've been back a week and everything is different. Stefan and I barely talk let alone act like a couple.

"I was in there a long time." I start to defend myself, "Even after Bonnie and Damon left. Kai was the only person in there. We became friends, sort of." I glance up to see Stefan drawing his eyebrows together.

"Friends? or sex because I'm getting two different stories from you guys but the way Kai is acting around you, protective and all I'm starting to believe him."

"Yea. We had sex." I admitted to him. I knew it wouldn't be long before Kai opened his big fat mouth because I knew he wanted to continue having sex.

The sex was great, "But all that stopped once I came back. I didn't know if I was coming back."

"Are you going to have sex with him again?" He asks me.

"No." I shake my head.

"I mean I get it. It hurts but I get it but I need to know if you are still going to have a thing with him because I see the way you look at him and he looks at you the same way." I pause and take in what he said."I feel like I lost you the moment you went into that prison world." He continues. He won't even look at me.

"No you didn't. I promise and yes everything between Kai and I is done. Over."


Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah are on their way back today and the only thing I can think about is Kol and the way he is able to make me feel.

We had sex several times since Klaus was gone and every time it just gets better and better.

"What's going to happen when they come back?" Kol asks me. It was about time he spoke up. He had been staring at me for ages since he walked into the kitchen.

"I don't know." I mumbled. I really didn't, "It's not like I can say ' Hey Klaus! How are you? By the way while you were out doing business I fucked your brother Kol a few times who I lied about not knowing at first. Yeah me and him have quite the history. We were fuck buddies couple hundred years ago and then you daggered him."

"What!" A voice booms, echoing through the house, shaking the walls. My stomach drops as I make eye contract with an angry Klaus. His focus is on me then switching to his brother Kol.


"Hey, there's something I have to tell you." It was in the middle of the night and me sleeping with Damon, and loving every second of it, was weighting very heavy on me. I tried to forget about it like it never happened but I can't. During free moments of the day I catch my mind drifting back to when Damon had me pinned down whispering in my hear of all the things he was going to do to me.

"I have to tell you something also, please sit. You know Hayley. I have began to have feelings for her and I lost control. I slept with her and it was the most magical thing ever." He tells me while never looking up at me. He keeps his head low and his eyes against the floor like he's ashamed of what he did.

I can't really be mad though, can I?

"Well that kinda makes me feel better about sleeping with Damon." I breathed out. It did. Because I cheated and he cheated.


"Katherine." Damon's voice is venom. He really hated her now, I could understand why. She played them both along.

I walked up behind Katherine earning glares from Damon and Stefan. Their eyes go back and forth from me and her trying to understand this duo, our relationship. I don't think anyone could understand it besides us.

"I thought you were with Kol." Stefan states confused.

"She's with me for the time being." Katherine smirks at the boys.

"Wait-" Damon is the one smirking now, "Brother she doesn't know." He turns to Stefan, "She doesn't know that Kol has been undaggered and that he has been terrorizing everyone in this town trying to find her."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now