Mikaelson Headcanon

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Klaus Mikaelson -
100% a praise kink

I will perish on this hill

poor baby isn't used to praise even without any sexual context so if you praise him, he's literally gonna melt

little spoon.

just yes.

secretly enjoys giving up control

keep in mind he'll only actually be like this if he wholeheartedly trusts you, which for someone like him is extremely rare

my darling just wants to be taken care off :(

after care is also very important

it is anyway but literally is essential with klaus
surprisingly he's adorably obedient toward you... in private but in public he lives to tease you and everyone just naturally assumes he's the dominant one between you to

I don't think he'd be a fan or having pain inflicted on him cuz of his past with pain and well, abuse
but he's all up for other stuff bc he's just eager to please you

would die happily with his head smushed in between your boobs

and in public he always needs to be touching some part of you whether that's hand holding, an arm around your waist, him literally carrying you - he does not gave a shit.

he's just so unlike his normally threatening and dominant self around you

he's shy and obedient and just completely puppy
he loves to paint / draw you as well

he'll gift you paintings and expectantly wait for the praise which always makes him blush no matter how frequently he receives it

he's just your little big puppy <3

Elijah Mikaelson -


he's is definitely a dom

his hands are ALWAYS on your thighs
not a little squeeze, not it's permanent fucking placement

he would willingly suffocate himself in between said thighs

his goal in life is just to live in between your legs, #newhometings

in my opinion he's such a giver

he LIVES for pleasing you

I don't known about you lot but i think he's actually quite a sexual active person.. just me? okay.

he secretly loves the thrill of fuckin' in public places and almost getting caught

people outside the bathrooms y'all fuck in : what y'all doing? screwing??

monstrous sex drive

sweetheart when i tell you.. the whimpers this man lets out 😩

I will combust

he's really into lingerie

will get hard instantly if he sees you in just one of his shirts and underwear

he loves to give you gifts omg

expect so many gifts

proper sugar daddy material

lingerie, cars, jewellery, clothes, perfume, shoes, bags, lingerie and oh, have i mentioned lingerie
ask for anything and you shall receive

like im not even kidding, it can be anything and he'll find a way to get it for you

Kol Mikaelson -

- Daddy kink

im just finna leave that there

cuddles cuddles and more cuddles

he loves cuddles sm

severely touch deprived

will bury his head in your boobs at any given time and place without shame

such a fucking brat

purposefully works you up and annoys you so you punish him

the punishments excite him

such a bloody simp for you

expect numerous sex jokes

which most the time are partly serious
he maybe sorta kinda has a huge thing for your voice, just in general

he's just in awe that even your voice can be perfect
especially during sex, fully just say anything and this

horny fucker is on the edge

loves when you pull his hair

like a lot a lot

he enjoys blood sharing too

if you're not a vamp, that's fine also, he'll just drink from you if that's okay with you

but if you are a vamp - blood sharing is a huge yes 😩😩without sexual context, kol honestly just wants to be cared for and babied.

he's always felt alone and uncared for so all he

wants is for someone to care for him

you need to give him forehead kisses

and pay attention to him please, he'll play it off but will genuinely be upset if you don't

just give baby boy some love <3

Rebekah Mikaelson -
my little treasure <33

praise her, cherish her, treat her like she is the only woman in the world

constant reassurances, all the time

never let her think you do not love her

i personally think she's equal parts give and receive but sub rebekah would defo be practically a pillow princess

my baby needs all the compliments

and i mean all, do not hold back

constant kisses

forehead kisses

cheek kisses

soft kisses

passionate snogs

you're the type of couple to make other people jealous

rebekah adores when you do her hair secretly just because she loves the feeling of you playing with her hair

cuddles all the time!!!

it's nonnegotiable

you two always blasting music

dancing around with each other, singing and just being fckn couple goals

she loves it when you pull her closer by her waist
literal. butterflies.

she's admittedly sensitive, okay, so you do have to mind what you say

and if you do accidentally offend her you can make up for it with bubble baths and kisses
and your tongue

hand holding >>

this girls hands are so soft it feels like silk

you two are always holding hands if you're out in public, walking together

rebekah loves hugs from behind too

you just come up behind her and hug her around the waist, AND give her face soft kisses - she's the happiest person in the bloody universe

the most loyal couple <3

everyone loves you two together

yes, even klaus

which truly says how perfect you are together.

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