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The man in front of me has threatened to kill me at least seven times just within the last hour. His cold stares pierce through me while I ignore him completely and fix my stare outside. He, the one and only Kai Parker, wants me to tell him what the Salvatore brothers are up to. What's got them so uninterested in his plans.

As if I would ever tell him anything. Some of my friends lives are at stake here.

"Look you're just going to have to kill me." I smirk at him, " Because I'm not going to tell you anything, baby." I let the pet name roll off my tongue which makes his eyes go wide but they quickly go back to his scowl.

"I might not be able to threaten your life because you seem to just not care if you die or not. It's a good tactic, one I'm fairly good at. But, there is someone you do care about." He gives me a cheeky grin and watches my facial expression change from not scared to curious. "I know you care about your little friend BonBon, I mean you hurt me pretty bad last time I got ahold of her. You hurt me again when Elena was kidnapped by yours truly. See Y/N you let your emotions dictate your life. You let it become a weakness and then people like me with exploit them."

"Theres nothing wrong with caring about people." I spat defending myself from his accucaions. He leans back into his cushioned chair and studies me like I was a book with all the answers to his problems.

"You're right but from expirence, family has only screwed me over." He shrugs.

"You murdered some of your siblings Kai, you kind of deserved it. You deserved to go to that prison world. Now them calling you an abombination wasn't right either but that doesn't give you the right to decide their fate."

"Yeah, but they did Y/N so now I have to get even with them." He looks me dead in the eye.

"Then what? After you kill your entire family and push everyone away from you then what? Whats your plan? You plan on being alone for the rest of your life?" Kai stands up and walks over to the chair i'm sitting in. His footsteps are heavy and slow on the hardwood floor.

"I've been alone for most of my life, nothings different." He bent down so his face was even with mine. Only inches were between my face and his.

"Theres a difference from being alone in an empty planet and being alone in a full room. It's a little more depressing because then you are faced with the fact that no one cares enough about you to do a wellness check."

"Then don't let me be alone Y/N" He whisphered then dragging his glossy brown eyes down my face to look at my pink lips. Waiting a few seconds, almost for permission, he crashes his lips onto mine.

The kiss was gentle but once my body gives in and kisses him back the kiss grows more hungry, more agressive. I stand up wrapping my arms around his neck letting my fingertips disappear in his light brown hair. He snaked his arms around my waist then moving under my shirt. His touch on my back sends electrifying jolts through my back, down my legs and arms. It was like this is what my body craved, him, Kai Parker.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now