Damon ( Requested )

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I look over at Damon and instantly roll my eyes. His side comments are beyond annoying in this detrimental situation, "Could you be serious?" I through at him. His eyes shoot daggers at me. If I wasn't apart of this friend group then he would have already gladly snapped my neck. I think he fantasizes about it late at night when he can't sleep or when he's bored.

"I can't wait to find Elena so I don't have to be in the same room as you any more." He bluntly says drinking the rest of Bourbon, slamming the glass cup onto the wooden table.

Klaus kidnapped Elena, pre usual around here, Elena being kidnapped or being threatened. But, however, she's my friend and when she's in duress, so am I.

In the corner of my eye I can see Damon staring at my body, smirking. His eyes travel up and down slowly taking every inch of my body in. His eyes tear apart my clothing like a hungry animal. He has no shame and I know he's fighting the urge to take me right here and right now.

Damon and I hate each other but know exactly what our bodies need. He knows how to worship my body better than anyone I have every ran into.


I enter the Salvatore House like I own the place, bursting straight in and letting the heavy door slam behind me. I make my way downstairs to the basement where Elijah is being held captive with a detailed dagger in him to check and see if he's still down there. It wouldn't be the first time he got out of this cell.

"You are always here." I hear Damon's voice. He leans against the wall eyeing my like i'm the villain. His eyes linger around my neck just a second longer. He licks his lips in anticipation. I smirk knowing exactly what he wants.

"What do we say? One more time?" He asks seductively. His ocean eyes never fully reach mine because once they gazed over my lips they halted.

"I can go a round." I give in with no hesitation.

"How about two or three?" He adds walking towards me. He rushes me into his room where i'm thrown onto his large bed. Seconds later he's on top of me attaching his perfect, soft lips onto mine. His warm tongue glides over my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I eagerly part my mouth for him. It's been too long, I've almost forgotten how he tastes. He fights for dominance, pushing his tongue into my mouth, forcing me to let him win.

He kisses downwards, towards my neck leaving my lips numb and swollen. He finally finds the sweet spot and pierces my delicate skin with his vangs, drinking me up, "God, you taste so good." He mumbles against my skin. A rush sweeps through my body as his hands tear off my clothing then chucking them onto his floor, not caring where they land.

His teeth latch onto my sensitive nipple, he nipples and swirls his tongue around foreshadowing what he's going to do to my clit later on. He leans back, enjoying the view of me completely naked laying down on his bed. I'm already a panting mess, my body aching for him to be inside me. Needing him to make me release over and over again.

I reach up for his shirt, "Ah, Ah, Ah, just lay down and let me take care of you." He pushes me back into the bed, "I want to see you squirm and hear my name coming out of that pretty little mouth of yours." He sits back, spreading my legs around him. He strokes my pussy, slowly, "Look at you, already wet." He comments without looking up at me.

He dips down licking me from front to back, missing no spots causing me to moan slightly. He freezes where my clit is and starts to flick his tongue left to right, up and down, fast then slow. The pattern brings me into a fit, grabbing the sheets and trying to squeeze my legs shut. I glance down and the man i'm supposed to hate and see he's already looking up at me. He caresses my body with his hands until they reach my breasts. He grabs onto them, squeezing hard, then pinching my nipple.

I fling my head back, "Oh my god, I'm gonna cum." I'm able to form. Damon doesn't hold back and applies more pressure to my body allowing it to burst into a ball of flames in a long awaited style.

"Round two." Damon whispers as he mounds me. Before entering me he says, "Y/N, I'm going to fuck and I don't want you cumming until I tell you, Okay? And if you cum before I tell you, you're going to get punished."

I nod i'm excitement. Pushing my body to its limits turns me on. He enters me slowly earning a moan from me. He pushes himself as deep as he could, lowering himself so we're face to face. He kisses me roughly and my legs tie themselves behind him, essentially trapping him in this position. I can feel the smirk gaining on his lips through the kiss.

He pushes away before I want him to and start to find a rhythm. He pulls out all the way and pushes himself back in forcefully. His right hand finding my throat and tightening it slightly.

He pounds against me relentlessly, " D-DAMON." I stutter out a scream.

"Don't cum." He commands as he picks up speed. My finger nails dig into his skin, blood pouring out from his back, "Dont." He slams into me, "Cum." He releases my neck and starts to rub my clit with his thumb. His heavy breath comes out as small moans. Sweet glistens from his body.

I can't take this anymore, "I'm gonna cum." I speak between moans, shutting my eyes hard and arching my back.

"Not yet." He answers back. He rubs faster making it almost impossible to follow instructions, "In 5..." He pulls out half way, "4...." Pushes himself back in, hitting the spot perfectly, "3....2.....1....0....Cum for daddy." He gives me the green light to let my body release. I shake and tremble. I fight like hell to regain my breath.

Damon collapses down next to me and stars at me, "Just because we do this doesn't mean I hate you any less." I feel the need to remind him.

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