𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 | 𝙴𝚕𝚒𝚓𝚊𝚑

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You were extremely close to Rebekah, almost like sisters. Shopping and causing chaos in whatever town you guys were in was definitely your guy's favorite, other than entertaining hot men of course.

"Y/N!" Rebekah yelled for you from the living room of your home. She typically did this everyday. You come around the wall, you were in the kitchen stuffing your face with the cake you just bought from the bakery.

"Hey." You flash smile to her, "What's up?"

"You are coming to the ball my siblings and I are throwing tomorrow." She sat down on your couch, putting one leg over the other, "Well go get dressed. We have some shopping to do."

Jeans, heels, tank top and a matching jacket is what you decided to wear, something easy to get in and out of, who knew how many dresses you were going to try on today.

"Okay, I'm ready." You tell Rebekah while reaching for your purse and keys.

"How's this one?" You showed your shopping buddy the dress you had been eyeing for a good twenty minutes. It was light pink, which was your favorite, off the shoulder and sheer sleeves with flower peddles placed uniquely around the dress.

"Oh!" Rebekah sighed, "You will be the best dressed there." She pushed you towards the the dressing room while holding the dressed she picked out. You didn't get a good look at it but you noticed it was a dark green.

Your dress made you look like a princess. It looked like something someone would wear while running through a meadow to an old castle or a lost lost love. You fell in love with it.

"Rebekah." You said. You came out of the dressing room and went over to the bigger mirror so you could really see yourself in it.

"It's beautiful." She came from behind me wearing hers. It was tight fit that hugged her curves perfectly. It reached the floor even with her wearing heels. It had one strap that went across her forearm.

You turn around and give her a huge smile, "This." You pointed you her, "Is the one, It was made for you and only you." Which made her blush. Even with how confident she is, compliments always make her blush.


"Well this isn't nerve-racking." You said sarcastically with a little laugh at the end. You guys were already in the limo, Rebekah likes to do everything in style. You knew how the Mikaelsons liked to party, everything will be the finest of fine and elegant.

"You'll be fine, it's just my family and some friends maybe a little more." She says nonchalant touching up her lipstick.

Her home was lavish and alive inside. The sidewalk that traveled up to her large front door was sandwiched between flowers.

You and and Rebekah walked side by side while walking into the home. There was a lot more people than you expected. You look at everyone taking it all in. There's women flirting, men offering drinks, laughter, jokes being told, smiles being flashed in every direction.

"Y/N, you look," Elijah greeted you and his sister at the door, he was dressed in a suit, pre usual. This time it was different, there was something different about him but you couldn't figure it out, "Breathtaking." He finally finished his sentence which made you blush. Rebekah nor Elijah knew you were practically in love with the original vampire. You met him some years ago and developed a crush immediately and over time with you seeing his gentle, dominant, protective, and assertive side you fell for him.

"Y/N, lets go get a drink and see if we can find any suitable men for the night." She took your arm and walked away pointing to good looking men asking if you fancied him, you say no every time as those men were with women already or had a wedding band.

The music slowed down and couples came together for a dance. You were going to go up to Elijah and ask to dance, trying to be bold but Davina beat you to it with a smirk on her face.

"Why don't you dance with Kol?" Rebekah whispered in your ear guiding you to her brother. His hair was a little messy, but cute. He was always flirting with you and sometimes you flirted back.

One of his hands were placed on your back and his other one cupped yours. With your free hand you wrapped it around his neck. You guys swayed to the music, talking. He was telling you jokes, one after another. He would also throw in a compliment or two just to see you blush. Kol was definitely the more cheeky brother.

Before the song could even end you felt a tap on your shoulder. You look over and it was Elijah, "May I?" He stuck out his hand. You smile and thanked Kol and took his hand. He leads you to the center of the floor and places his hands in the correct places and so did you.

"How's Davina?" You ask. You look up to see the corner of his mouth twitch up.

"She's doing just fine." He assured you.

"Well the dance didn't last long." You tried to pry, surely he could've waited til the song was over.

"Kol was being..." He trailed off pursing his lips, "Kol."

"Is that jealousy, Elijah?" You questioned back, laughing only a little. Elijah never liked to show his jealous side as he thought it was immature.

"Possibly - Y/N," He looked you in the eyes, "I got jealous when I saw you with Kol because I know how Kol can be and how flirtatious he is and...." He trailed off acting like he didn't want to finish what he was saying.

"And?" You were persistent. You weren't letting him get away with this.

"I could not stand to see you with him, Y/N. I am in every way possible in love with you and I don't think you feel the same way has I seen you and Kol being friendly and flirty on occasions."

"You've got it all wrong." You look down from his eyes to his lips and leaned in. He met you half way and your guys lips moved in sync. He moved his hands from your waist to your face.

After what seemed like an eternity you pulled back, "I'm in love with you, Elijah."

This is for tifuu13

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now