You're His Crush

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"Hello, Love." Klaus voice reaches out to me and wraps around me. I shut the spell book i'm al currently loosing my mind in. "Hello, Klaus." I turn around and give him a small wave with a matching smile. "Fancy seeing you here." He says casually. I look around the bar, "I'm always here." I tell him. He takes the seat next to me, "I know." He takes the book from underneath my arms,"What does Bonnie have you looking for." He flips through the pages trying to get an idea of what i'm searching for. "A random spell or two." I say leaving the main details out. He doesn't need to know those. "Well, If you were mine, you wouldn't have to do anything." Klaus states.


"Damon, I don't need you to come with me."  I say while walking to my car. "Yea but you're going to talk sense into Matt Donavan and I want to make sure he fully understands that going to his funeral is NOT on the list of things I want to spend my time doing." He rants on.

The grill isn't too far from the Salvatore house, which is where i'm at most of my down time. Being home alone is just unsettling. Damon and I walk, I do a quick glance around the bar and see that Matt is  behind the counter pouring someone a drink. "Over there." I tell Damon. We both walk over to Matt who sees us. He throws a towel over his shoulder, "What are you guys doing?" He asks us just as we get to counter. "You know why i'm here. Stop trying to get yourself killed. Alaric went crazy because of that ring you're wearing Matt." I say hoping that maybe he forgot about the Gilbert rings antics. Because if he just doesn't care?? That's not right or fair to anyone. "So whys he here?" He motions to Damon. He sits next on the stool next to me letting me control the conversation. "Reinforcement..." I look over to Damon who smiles at me, "I guess." What do I, a vampire, need reinforcement from Matt, a human, for? "No Y/N, he's here because he is in love with you." Matt corrects my statement.


"Do you really have to follow me around all day?" I tell Kai who is progressively getting on my nerves. He slides his hands into his cargo pants pocket and shrugs, "aren't you suppose to be like evil?" he nods and gives me a simple, "yeah."

"Then go do something evil for fucks sake and leave me alone." I huff and focus back to the bookshelf. I've read almost all of them it seems like and i'm not about to start reading Stefan's diary. His love live or lack there of is none of my business.

"Annoying you is my evil task for today." He says plainly.

"It was your task yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before, you get the picture." I correct him.

He leaned himself against the wall, "You're just so lovely to be around."


"katherine, go do something. I'm busy." I tell the evil doppelgänger.

"Mmm," she pouts, "You're always busy."

"That's the downfall of being a really good witch and being friends with the people i'm friends with, no fault to them of course." I glance at Katherine.

"Boohoo, Elena this and Elena that." She rolls her eyes.

"You killed Caroline." I stated.

"I'm still waiting on my thank you for that, she's a lot more bearable now."

"You played both Stefan and Damon. You killed Jermey." I continued the list that seems to be infinite.

"I loved Stefan, Damon was collateral damage. Jermey, well, me or him. But haven't you ever stopped to wonder why I never put you in danger? Or how every time you're in need of help i'm magically right there?"

"Oh so you're stalking me?" I say, " I'm flattered but i'm kinda in love with the one person you wants you dead." 

"I'm a saint compared to Klaus."

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