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"You look at me and I can see it in your eyes, Stefan." I finally bring up.

"No, you're-" He fumbles over his words, trying to form a proper sentence.

"It's okay, I understand," I shrug, wiping away a stray tear.He makes his way toward me, but I hold out one of my hands to stop him, "I love you, Stefan, but it's not enough is it?" I choke on the words, a sob burns my throat.

"Don't do this," He begs, his eyes gleam with wetness.

"I have to, because you left me. You left me standing there alone, wearing this pretty dress," My fingers wrap tightly around the soft material of the blue dress I had spent hours sewing up.

"I did this for you, Stefan. And the least you could have done was show up, but you didn't." Tears roll down his face as he pushes my hand away and moves to fill the space between our bodies.

"I'm sorry, but my friends needed my help."

"I know, Stefan. They always need your help and that's fine, but not tonight," I cup his face with my delicate hands, rubbing my manicured thumb against his wet cheek.

"I can't keep doing this, you said you wanted a normal life. But you can't step away from all that." Stefan presses his forehead against mine, his hand moves to my waist. The warmth from his skin vibrates through the dress.

"Don't leave me, I need you."His voice cracks and it breaks me to the core, making me want to just give in. Give in like I always do, because Stefan will always pick everyone over me. And it was because he had a big heart and it was the thing I loved most about him. But it was also the thing that was destroying the love between the two of us.

"I will always love you, Stefan Salvatore," I quickly press your trembling lips against his. I taste him once more, his soft lips and eagerness, before i eventually pull away.

"Maybe I'll see you again, someday." My face is wet from his tears and mine own as I look into his eyes once more, before walking away. Walking away from the love of my life. Hoping he will finally find what he's looking for.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now