𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍

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The Prison world was bearable but only because Damon and Bonnie made it so. The moon was high and the sky was dark. Another day has past, another day in this hell. "It's okay, baby. We will get out of here. Bonnie knows she can do it. Everything will be okay. I love you." Damon whispered into my ear. Every night he would say something similar. He knew I couldn't stand it in here. Couldn't stand Kai and his evil ways. I wanted to be back with Elena, Caroline and Stefan.


"I can't wait to see Stefan." I annoyed the group again for the 100th time. Damon was digging a hole for us to, as Kai put it, portal jump. Bonnie was reading her spell book.

"Yea and I want to see Elena and kiss her." Damon told me in between shovels.

"What are you gonna do Bonnie? When we get back."

"I'm going to hug my friends and then run to my family."

Damon,Bonnie and I were in the tunnel Damon dug. The eclipse hits it just right to make the whole portal jump possible.

Bonnie has the ascendant in her hand and Damon and I stand in front of her. She is our savior. She saves us every time.

"I'm sure there's a million of people you rather be here with." Damon started.

"Not exactly." Bonnie finished. I reached for Damon's hand and give it a squeeze. Reassuring him everything is fine.

Before Bonnie could even start the spell, Kai happens. He shoots an arrow into Bonnie and she falls to the ground in agony. Tears build up and the ascendant falls to the ground.

Damon turns around and comes face to face with Kai, destroyer of dreams. He threatens to kill Damon.

I crouch to Bonnie and try to fed her my blood but she doesn't say no. She knows she has to. She has to live.

Kai goes after the ascendant but Damon is faster, stronger. I look above and see the moon is almost in place for us to make it home.

"Damon!" I yell and he gives Kai one last punch and comes to us.

All three of us connected, ready to go home. Before everything, we had all agreed that we would do everything in our power to make Kai stay. He would be a danger to everyone in the real world. He would just be another villain we would have to fight.

I watch as he comes back up to his feet. I pray this happens quickly because as much as I want to see Stefan I will sacrifice that in order to make Kai stay in this world that was made just for him.

He notices that at any second we will be gone, forever. No one would ever be back here and he will be alone for the rest of eternity.

He moves closer and closer. I make the decision to let go and vamp to Kai, holding him back I make eye contact with my friends, best friends and watch them flash before me.

My chances of seeing Stefan are gone. I'm now stuck in 1994 with someone who will most likely torture me for ruining his chance in leaving.

At least Damon will see Elena and Bonnie will be with her family and Jer. I can sacrifice my life.


"You don't seem worried on how you're getting out of here." Kai stated the obvious. He's annoying and won't leave me alone. I've asked many times.

"You haven't met my boyfriend. He has countless Witches, Vampires, and Werewolves at his disposal. I'll get of here sooner or later and when he does It'll be happily Ever After." I explained running the comb through my hair.

"If he doesn't come we can have that Happily Ever After."

"Not a chance."


" I will do whatever there is to have Y/N back. You need a witch? you have it." I tell my sister. Y/N was taken from me weeks ago and I've almost gone crazy trying to figure out to get her back to me.

"I can preform the spell, I need the ascendant. It'll allow me to go inside the Prison world and pull her out." Freya told me.

"Who do I have to kill to get this ascendant."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now