𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝙷𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚄𝚙

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He touches you ;)

You were fast asleep from the activities that kept you and Damon up. He was a very rough person in bed. ;) You were fast asleep and by the looks of it, you weren't planning on waking up anytime soon. But Damon was up. Let's just say he was very bored. He wanted your attention. So to wake you up, he decides the best way is to touch you. So that's what he does. He ever so gently uses his hand to massage your breasts. Instantly, your nipples spring to life. You still lay still as you feel nothing. He then decides to take it to the next level and he brings his mouth to them and he begins sucking on them , wetting them. Still, nothing happens. He smirked as his mouth keeps busy as his hand goes down your naked body and he touches your clit. You flinches but that was really it. He pinched your clit between his forefinger and his thumb. You shifted in your sleep, slowly coming awake. He then slowly sinks a finger into you and that's when you're woken up with a moan erupting from your mouth. Your eyes open wide and they stare into Damon's darkening ones. You knew what he wanted and you were happy to give. You liked waking up like this.


He uses his voice

You were in a deep sleep that you needed for a long time. For a while, you haven't been getting any sleep. You were just glad that you were sleeping like this tonight. But here goes Klaus, who was awake, wanted you up. He got on the bed and crawled over to you. He saw your beautiful sleeping figure and he smiled to himself. "Beautiful.." He whispered. He smiled more and moved away your hair from your ear so he could access it better. He lay next to you and he brought his lips to your ear and he whispered, "Wakey wakey... Sleeping Beauty needs to wake up. Does she need a kiss? I'll be happy to oblige.." He smirked and continued. "I'm getting lonely. Wake up." He used compulsion in his voice and the instant he said it, you woke up.
"Klaus! I was finally having a good sleep. You ruined it." He smirked.
"But I was lonely." He smirked as you hit him with a pillow.


He touches you ;)

You were fast asleep from the activities that kept you and Enzo up. He was a very rough person in bed. ;) You were fast asleep and by the looks of it, you weren't planning on waking up anytime soon. But Enzo was up. Let's just say he was very bored. He wanted your attention. So to wake you up, he decides the best way is to touch you. So that's what he does. He ever so gently uses his hand to massage your breasts. Instantly, your nipples spring to life. You still lay still as you feel nothing. He then decides to take it to the next level and he brings his mouth to them and he begins sucking on them , wetting them. Still, nothing happens. He smirked as his mouth keeps busy as his hand goes down your naked body and he touches your clit. You flinches but that was really it. He pinched your clit between his forefinger and his thumb. You shifted in your sleep, slowly coming awake. He then slowly sinks a finger into you and that's when you're woken up with a moan erupting from your mouth. Your eyes open wide and they stare into Enzo's darkening ones. You knew what he wanted and you were happy to give. You liked waking up like this.


He uses music

Since it was just you two in the 1994 prison world, he had a strange way of waking you up. It would be a peaceful morning; you'd probably be sore from the fun you two would of had the night before. You were a decent sleeper; not a light one but not a heavy one. It was 8 in the morning and you were asleep in an empty bed. All of a sudden you were jumping awake with a heart attack because music started blasting through the speakers.
"KAI!!!!!!!!!!!" You screamed out. You couldn't see him but you heard his laughter even above this retched music.


He makes you breakfast in bed

Stefan was in the kitchen while you were asleep. He wanted you to wake up to a nice little surprise. He decided to make you breakfast and give it to you in bed. With his special hearing, he heard your constant breaths, letting him know that you were still sleeping. He continued to cook. When he was done, he set everything on a tray and he brought it up to his room. When he entered his room, he saw you all cuddled up with the blanket. He smiled and he set the tray down. You loved food. So when you smelled the bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, and the apple juice, you immediately woke up. You looked at him and he smiled.
"Morning. I made you breakfast." You smiled and you sat up.
"How sweet of you. Come eat it with me." He smiled and had breakfast with you.


He will tickle you

Jeremy knew that you were ticklish. He loved the fact that you were ticklish because he could use that to his advantage. Like this morning. You were sleeping and he was awake early and of course, video games couldn't keep him entertained for long. so he needed you up to entertain him. He was so bored and he wanted someone to talk to. He walked into his room when he finished playing video games and he crawled on the bed. He smirked when he got to you and he smiled when he reached you. He reached out and he grabbed onto your sides and he started to tickle you. at first, nothing happened to you. But after a few seconds, you started to laugh and twist and turn. You were fully awake now and you opened your eyes.
"Jeremy! Stop! I'm up!" You breathed when he stopped.


He would gently wake you

Matt walked up the steps of your guy's shared apartment and he opened the door to your room. He smiled as he saw you sleeping peacefully in your bed. He didn't want to wake you but you had to go see your parents today. They were coming to Mystic Falls and you wanted to pick them up at the airport. He walked to you and he moved your hair away from your face.
"(Y/N), wake up. You need to get up if you want to go see your parents." He gently shook your shoulders. You fluttered your eyes open and looked into his eyes.
"My parents? That's today?" You sat up a little.
"Yes it is. You need to wake up."


He makes you touch him ;)

Tyler is a horny little shit so he would try and wake you up seductively and get his way in the morning. He would already be naked as would you because you both have had sex last night. He smirked as he looked over at your sleeping figure. He grabbed your hand gently and he moved it to his body and set them on his abs. He smirked as you moved your fingers a bit. He then trailed them down to his now hardening dick. He set your hand on it and your hand moved, causing his dick to harden even more. You were now awake but you kept your eyes close to see what he would have done. You then, out of surprise, grabbed his dick and you started to move your hand up and down. He now knew you were awake and he had some fun with you.


He moves you from the couch to the bed

Elijah was out of town for a few days and when you heard he was coming home tonight, you had decided to wait for him so you can greet him. But you didn't realize how long he would be gone. You had waited up for him till 1 in the morning. You then had fallen asleep on the couch with the TV on. 30 minutes later, Elijah walked through the door. He heard the TV o and went to it to turn it off. By then, he had saw you and he smiled. He turned off the TV and he turned to you.
"Oh darling..." He smiled and he went to pick you up. You were a very light sleeper so when you felt yourself being picked up, you tiredly opened your eyes.
"Elijah?" You whispered.
"Go back to sleep baby. I'll be here in the morning." You smiled softly and you let sleep consume you yet again.

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now