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Kol, my love. I miss you.

I write in my journal entry. This was common for me and for anyone who missed the man they love. Being a Vampire, especially in the 1800's, was difficult. The common people suspected everyone of which craft or a creature of the night. Moving was inevitable, every decade or so. Sometimes sooner if people became suspicious.

That's exactly what happened. Kol and his family had to move and I lost contact with him. I've searched high and low. I can't get ahold of any of the Mikaelson's. I don't even know what they look like, just their names. Finn, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah.

Kol would tell me how he thought Rebekah and I would get along. He said we would become best friends instantly.

I never got the chance to met his family. I close my journal and put it back in my bag. My flight is about to touch down and the last thing I want is someone to read this. They wouldn't understand it as the the dates go way back but still, they're personal. They're mine. My thoughts and memories. On some pages theres pictures of Kol that I drew ages ago.

I'm heading to none other than Mystic Falls. I have an acquaintance there who I owe a favor. Damon Salvatore. You know, the tall handsome devil that's in love with his brothers girl. Gossip travels quick. Anyways, he saved my life a decade or so ago and I told him if he ever needed help to call me. He's decided to cash that in. It's something about protecting Elena and some crazy vampire mess.


I walk into the Salvatore home and see a mess of people in their living room. "Made it." I say smiling.

"Great." Damon walks over to me and gives me a small hug.

"Bonnie the Witch. Caroline, the neurotic one, Elena the doppelgänger, Jermey the hunter, Tyler the werewolf, and Stefan my brother." Damon tells me while pointing to them.

"This is Y/N." I nod.

"I'm confused, you have a whole gang, why do you need me?"

"Damon said you know them." Caroline spoke up, bugged eyed.

"Who?" I folded my arms. I don't have many friends that are vampires. I stick to myself and make new friends, human ones of course in each and every city I come to.

"Klaus and his brother Elijah." Stefan answered me.

"Wait! The Mikaelson's?" I'm in utter shock. I haven't ever heard of someone say their names. At one point in my life I was so sure that I was being delusional and almost convinced myself that they weren't real.

"Yea them. They are after Elena. Klaus wants to break a curse." Stefan responded once again. Everyone's eyes are on me.

"I-I, no I don't know them. Kol, a brother of theirs, we dated but I never met them. But If the stories Kol told me are true then Klaus is not a person you want to cross. Kol was hated him." I stumble on my words. To finally be close to the people I have in search of is overwhelming.

"Couldn't you distract Kol then?" Damon cooed.

"I don't even know if he's alive. I haven't seen or heard of him in hundreds of years." I rub my eye trying to figure out a plan or some sort. I owe Damon, I won't cross him. I'm not like that.

"He's alive and apparently crazy." Caroline jumped into the conversation again. I smile at the word crazy. That's what he was and that's what made me drawn to him. It was a thrill, a never ending roller coaster. It was the adventure that I craved in life so desperately.

I'm currently at the Gilbert home, alone. Up in her bedroom and everything.

I swear, on everything I love, If this gets me killed, I will haunt everyone involved.

I write in my journal once again. I tear my head away from the window when I hear Elena's door open ever so gently.

"Ahhh." I eye the blonde hair that stood with his hands clasp behind him.

I didn't answer. I know who he is, there's only one possible reason why he looks like my internal love.


"I assume you know who I am since you are helping out the Salvatore brothers." He takes a couples closer, "But I don't know who are, exactly" He dagger out the last word. Every sentence was perfectly matched with his accent.

"Y/N" I spill.

"Not the famous, Y/N L/N is it?" He smiles, "Kol has go on and on about trying to find you since he has woken up. It's been quite distracting for him really."

"Kol... Where is he?" I jump to my feet waiting patiently for him to give me his location.

"Ahh would you be willing to strike a deal? I take you to Kol right now and you tell me where Elena is?" He offers.

I want to do bad. I want to be in Kols arms and kiss him and have our life together again but I can't just bail on the people who need me. But going against Klaus, I'd sign my own death certificate. Why I go over the pros and cons to his offer I can see Klaus getting impatient.

"As much as I love Kol, I'm sorry I can't." I regretfully tell the man in front of me. I press send to the group chat to notify the other that Klaus is here and it's now game on.


𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now