𝙷𝚎 𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜

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"Where were you today?" Damon walked into his home seeing me in the living room with the fireplace lit up.

"I was with Kai-"

"Kai as in the psychopathic witch." Damon cut me off while looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Yes." I nod.

"Why?" He narrowed his eyes at me while taking his jacket off and slinging on top of a chair. "Well before you cut me off, I needed to ask him about a spell."

"You couldn't have asked Bonnie? I like her better." He poured himself a drink. I sighed, "Bonnie is a little preoccupied with some other things and well Kai was right there."

"Right there, huh."

"What Damon. What's the issue?"

"Nothing, I just don't like him especially around you." I look up at him, he's already pouring another drink. "He wouldn't hurt me." I focus my attention back to the spell book he gave me. "That's the point. He hurts everyone but you're off limits? Makes you wonder."


Elijah asked me to met up by myself to discuss a deal. He already gave me his word that I wouldn't be harmed. Stefan was suspicious that I didn't want to stay with him but didn't ask me why. I was now on my way home, I walked to the meet up spot.

"Where were you?" Stefan was sitting on my bed. "How long has you been here?" I unzip my jacket and throw it into my closet. "An hour, I wanted to make sure you were okay, you left in a hurry." His eyes didn't part from mine. He's probably thinking the worst. "I was with Elijah." He stood up and cocked his head, "Mikaelson? This late?" I looked around the room, "He wanted to make a deal." I exhale loudly going to my dresser pulling out some pajamas. "This couldn't have waited til tomorrow, or you when you're not alone."

"Stefan, he gave me his word that he wouldn't hurt me."

"That's not what I'm worried about. Elijah can be very," Stefan stopped and tried to find the right word, "Charming."

"Good thing I'm in love with you then, huh."


"Y/N, what's Klaus gonna do when he sees you dressed like that?" Elijah mentioned probably hopping I'd change. I was wearing a silver mini dress that hung low showing off my chest.

"Well he isn't here." I say looking at myself one last time in the full body mirror.

"Y/N, I do suggest you change before leaving with your friends, I'd hate for your night to be ruined because someone get jealous." Elijah wouldn't stop but the honking outside would stop me from hearing it.

The club was roaring with people singing at the top of their lungs. My friends and I immediately go to the bar section.

My fourth drink in and I'm having a great time, until there was a tap on my shoulder. I snapped my head back to see who it was and it was my very upset looking boyfriend. "Let's go we are going home." He said into my ear. "No way, I wanna drink." I turned away and tried to order another alcoholic beverage. Klaus gripped my arm and dragged me outside. "Hey!" I yelled and pulled my arm back. "Y/N, you can drink and dress how ever you want at home." He opened the car door for me, "Why at home?" I walked towards him but waited for him to answer before I got in the car, "Because I don't like random men looking at what's mine." He tone was completely serious, " I do like the dress though, maybe you can wear it for me another time."


"Y/N, you look beautiful." Kol was always trying to flirt or whatever he does. "I'm in my pajamas." I tell him while walking to the bathroom.

"What are we doing today?" He waited outside the bathroom door for me. I stopped and looked at him, "We can go out for breakfast."

"Oh wait, I got you something." Kol
reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. "Kol being generous? Are you sick?" I ask him touching his forehead.

"Here, I'll put it on you." I turned around and he clasped the necklace.

"Kol....This is beautiful." I turn around and face him as a I keep eyeing the the rock on my neck.

"It's a stone, very old."

I hug him and we part ways, I go back to my room where I see Elijah waiting patiently for me to return. "What took so long?" He wrapped me into his arms. "Kol, he stopped me and gave me this necklace." I turn my body to him so show off my new piece of jewelry that laid gently on my chest. "Kol gave this to you?" He picked it up off my chest, "Yea, I already love it, anyways I gotta
get up, him and I are going out for breakfast. I'm gonna make him take me to IHOP." I broke from Elijah's grip and find some close to change into. "Breakfast?"

"Yea the first meal of the day."

"You guys went out to lunch yesterday."

"Yea, we had Mexican."

"Do you maybe think you're spending a little too much time with him." He was still laying in bed but now sitting up.

"Well, no, we're really good friends, and you're always with Klaus doing business, do you want me to just stay in the house and be alone?" I asked him.

"No, I don't. But the constant going out, the gifts, the compliments." He raised an eyebrow.

"Elijah, you have nothing to worry about. we're friends, just friends."

"You may think that, but does Kol?"

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now