𝙷𝚎 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞

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I was human, new to all the supernatural world. The town I once thought of as being safe, I just learned that vampires crawled around every corner. Damon was wild and carefree, the exact opposite from my boyfriend, Stefan.

I'm currently walking through a wooded area, I know, not smart but the way the vibe was, it let me clear my head. Screams pull me out of my mind and for a second I thought about running away but what if those people needed me?

I follow the screams deeper. The moonlight lit up the grassy ground for me. I alig-line myself with a tree in case I need to hind and peered around it. I see a man towering over his victim who laid lifeless on the ground. My breath hitched and the man turned around.

It looked like Damon but it wasn't at the same time. His eyes were hallow, red dropped down from his eyes, and blood trickled down the edge of his mouth. I walk backwards after making eye contact with the stranger who I may or may not know.


Klaus forced my boyfriend to go with him and turn his humanity off, which for Stefan, that's the worst thing that could happen. He can't handle the blood thirst that falls on him.

I flee Mystic Falls in search for my boyfriend. I'm going to get him to turn his emotions back on. I need him too. Damon thinks Im out with Caroline and Caroline thinks I'm with Bonnie and so forth. Everyone thinks I'm with someone else. It was an elaborate lie that I know after an hour or two of me being gone, they will find out. But i'm hoping to have a lot of distance between us.

I ring and ring for Stefan which he eventually answers. "Stefan?"

No answer.

"Stefan i'm coming for you."

"If I see you, I'll drain your body. Y/N, I will kill you and I won't think twice about it."


Klaus has moments where his anger gets the best of him and it never really scared me until today. Today was bad. He was in a killing mood. He wanted to hurt everyone in his path.

"Klaus, We will get it back." I tried to calm him down about loosing the white oak stake.

He looks at me like I was the enemy and walks up to me leaving no space. I stand my ground.

" I think you fail to realize, Y/N, that the one thing that can kill me IS MISSING!" His voice boomed and ricocheted off the walls. I winced and took a couple steps back but with every step I took he also took one until I was backed up against a wall.

I tried not to look him in the eyes but everything else.

"Niklaus, take a couple steps back, you're scaring her." Elijah came to the rescue this time.


Kai loves revenge and everyone knows it, even being his best friend I never really knew if my prank went to far or not because the look is always the same.

"Y/N!" Kai yelled out. I had pranked him and well I don't think he took it well.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." His voice was getting closer.

"But that was a bad prank, and well, I just wanna get back at you." I can see his feet stop at the bed and he goes silent.

He yanks me from my hiding spot and comes down on me, I close my eyes and scream but when I open them I see a smirking Kai, sitting on me, "Now I can tickle you all I want and there's literally you can do about it."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now