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"Kai, stop kidnapping me." I tell the sociopath who is smirking while pretending to read the paper, "I know you hear me." I say again as he doesn't respond. He looks aimlessly at the paper that's turned upside down. Kai is a lot of things but being able to read upside proficiently isn't something he has bragged about and Kai loves bragging about his talents.

"Oh yeah, I do. I love your voice you know that?" he asks me, trying to change the subject. He peers at me, locking his eyes onto mine. He always does that and it makes me nervous.

"No. Don't do that. I want you to say, Yes y/n I understand. I will stop kidnapping you in the middle of the night while you're sleeping and bring you to unknown places so you have to ask me to take you back to Mystic Falls." I lay out the blueprint I wanted him to use. Literally he could copy and paste and I would accept it. This shouldn't be hard for him but it's also Kai, enough said.

"I wouldn't need to kidnap you if you just agreed to
live with me and love." Kai pushed the paper down he wasn't reading and stares at me again, "You never even thought about it."

"Yes, I did. For one second then I came to my damn senses and said no." I mistakenly told him. As soon as it comes from my mouth I throw my head back, I can already feel the headache forming, the million questions being asked, I can see the further kidnappings already playing out in my head. I'm a psychic with a crystal ball right now.

"So you thought about it, mmm?" Kai tilts his head amused, "So what was the final mark that made you say no?" He asks.

"I'm so leaving." I say to him trying to get out of the question because this is not the conversation I want to have. I don't want to debate anything with him especially the debate I had with myself if I should live with him because the only thing that made me say no was the fact he practically tortured Bonnie and kidnapped Elena. Not because I wasn't attracted to him or I was in love with someone else.

"Good luck." He says and that makes me stop dead in my tracks.

"What is it this time? Spell me inside?"

"Spelled us both inside."


"So BonBon can't come to the rescue. You know when she did last time and I came home and you were gone, I was worried. Y/N you worried me but then I got to thinking. BonBon was the only answer on how you got out. So this time I was smart about it. New place, no phone for you and i'm not leaving til I get what I want and neither are you." He sets down the ground rules. I know there's nothing i can do about it. If the place is has a magical barrier around it then there's no way out. I'm sure my friends will know that Kai has something to do with my disappearance but they wont know exactly where to come and rescue me. Even if on some miracle Bonnie did find out and they came here, Kai isn't letting me leave. It would turn into a war.

"Kai is all this really necessary?" I let out a defeated cry.

"I like you so yes." He tells me nonchalantly like what he is doing is common.

"Normally when someone likes another person they ask them on a date not kidnap them, hold them hostage until they agree to your terms." I try to let him in on a little, but common, dating secret. He sits still in his chair, one foot going over his thigh. He looks comfortable.

Could I be with someone like him? Sure, on good days he's funny to the point where my cheeks and stomach hurt from laughing. I will never see danger if he's around. Even now his first instinct is to make sure i'm safe. When one of Lilly's heretic family member was killed and they took Caroline, he burst through the Salvatore home demanding to see me. He then examined me, walking around my body, making sure there wasn't one scratch or hair out of place. Since then, however, his obsession only has worsened. He seems to feel like the only time i'm safe is when he's standing right next to me or when i'm locked away like Rapunzel. I wouldn't put it past him to lock me away in a tower where no one would know I am. I mean, in almost every way besides the big ole castle he is already doing that.

"Go on a date with me then." He speaks. His big brown eyes wait for a response, patiently surprisingly. He isn't known to be patient.

"No." I flat out tell him. A glimpse of him bringing me flowers, cooking for me, and him telling me how beautiful I look runs through my mind like someone is fast forwarding my future.

"See. That's why I kidnap you. You love telling me no." He stands up from his chair. The paper he held once is making a new home on the floor. He walks towards me and if it would have been anyone else, any other enemy, I would run away, fight, scream, anything. But this is Kai. He wouldn't hurt me.

He pushes my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ears, "The sooner you realize that you're mine everything will get better. Y/N, you can have anything. I'm literally heretic. Vampire and witch. Like we can go anywhere, be anything. I could take you away from all this fighting. I know you hate it. You and I could live forever." He tries and sweets talks me. This time is different though. It's not just words piled together to make me do something. There's emotional behind it.

"If we do this, you and I, I want to live in Mystic falls. I pick the house and you're on our side. No shady shit, Kai. You help us. No playing for the other team. No pulling me away, no hiding. And you apologize to Bonnie and Elena."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now