Damon & Kai (love triangle)

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I love Damon. He's my world. My absolute everything. I have to remind myself silently. Before the prison world days everything was perfect. My love for Damon wasn't questionable. There wasn't another person dancing around in my thoughts when I should be thinking about my lovely boyfriend that takes care of me.

"I know you just can't resist me." Kai teases me. According to him it's Thanksgiving and he insisted on making my favorite foods. I said no but Kai didn't take that. He snapped my neck and the next thing I know i'm sitting at a table with him smiling right across from me.

"I love Damon." I say to remind him and myself as well.

He nods his head, "Right, the one who took the first train out of here and left you?" He asks me.

"You know that's not what happened. All three of us were suppose to leave together but you came back to life." I say finally picking up a fork and stabbing a steamed green bean, "Doesn't matter. Bonnie will figure a way out for me to leave."

"Well I hope not. I like it just being us." Of course he does, "But you pulling away from me is so annoying." He chuckles again while shaking his head from left to right.


Months. It's been months that I have been sealed away in this prison world. I've taken up residence in the Salvatore house, Kai of course followed. Damon's room is now mine. I don't know which one he picked to call his.

Everyday and night I send a silent prayer that this will be my last day here. I need away from Kai. Every moment i'm around him and those laughs, and side comments, and just the way he looks at me is making me feel some way and I try to make myself stop. It's almost impossible.

"You're staring at me." Kai says which brings me out of my daze. I gather myself and shake away the thoughts.

"No, I was zoned out." I admit to him. I leave the couch I'm on and go to walk back up to my room - Damon's room?

"Y/N." He calls out making me stop and face him. Before I can register what he's doing, his lips are already on mine in a sweet, delicate manner. Without thinking I kiss back. Fireworks explode within my chest. Flowers bloom. Damon gets pushed out of my mind. The only thing that matters right now, is him. Kai brings my body closer to his, every inch of me is pressing against his frame. My hands twirl and gently tug on his soft hair.

When I finally get back into the right mind space I jerk back, fleeing from his grasp, breaking the kiss, "I can't do this." I utter even though my body wants to give in to him.

"Come on, I won't tell if you don't." Is all I needed from him. I attack his lips hungrily. This is our secret, Damon doesn't have to know. Kai's hands explore my body, his touch shoots small electric shocks into my body. Without hesitation he rips off my shirt, exposing me bare chest, "You naughty thing." He pushes me into the couch while mumbling, checking me out.


As I knew she would, Bonnie got me out.....and Kai. That wasn't suppose to happen. Kai wasn't suppose to be around every corner when I got back to the real world. Everyday i'm fighting the urges to give my body to Kai again. My body craves him and his touch, "Did something happen between you and Kai back in there?" He asks me one night, visibly drunk.

I can't lie to him, he doesn't deserve that, "Yea. We had sex." I whisper. I cheated. I cheated on Damon who loved me, never hurt me. I cheated on Damon with somebody who snapped my neck more times than I can remember. With Damon I feel like our love is predictable. With Kai I never know what the next hour will be. The fear of the unknown excites me and pulls me closer to him even when I try like hell to run in the opposite direction. He consumes me in every way imaginable.

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