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You wake up from your long slumber to find yourself chained up in a room alone. You pull on the chains with all the strength you have when you start to feel a burning sensation on your wrists. Vervain covered chains. So he knew who you were. Or what you were. But why did he want you? You try your hardest to free yourself, but you were weak. You had gone too long without blood and you were barely allowed to move because of the restraints.

"Oh you're awake! Hey!" Kai said cheerfully as he opens the door. A big smile planted across his face as he looks at your weak figure. He puts down his bags and kneels in front of you, examining your facial features. It's silent for a while. You're not exactly scared of him, you're more confused than anything. You know from what you've heard about Kai that if he wanted to kill you, he would've by now.
"Are you going to sit there looking at me all day, or are you going to tell me what you want with me?" You question him confidently. He smiles at the way you're talking to him. The way you came across unafraid intrigued him.

"Is it already the part where the villain tells the damsel in distress about his diabolical plan!? Damn time flies...well. You're part of my little revenge plan I have for Damon. You see, I don't like him very much, and I'm not 100% sure but...i don't think he likes me? So I've decided to take one of his most prized possessions away from him. You." He places his fingers on your cheek and runs it across your skin lightly, when you suddenly burst into laughter.
"Me? I'm his most prized possession? You literally could have picked his brother or I don't know, Elena? But instead you chose to take me? Aren't you supposed to research this kinda stuff before you go through with kidnapping someone?" You laugh again. This time, Kai is not amused.

"I did my research. Stefan is out of town and Elena has her memories wiped, she doesn't seem so fun either. I'd much rather spend my time getting to know you, seeing as you think I'm hot" He winks at you, remembering what you said a couple of days ago. You roll your eyes and look away from him.
"OH I almost forgot..." He searches through his bag before picking up a bottle containing blood and a straw. He waves it in your face a bit, teasing you. Knowing that's what you're craving.

"You want some? If you're good I'll let you have a sip" He opens the lid and lets you smell it. It was fresh. As if he had literally just got back from killing someone just to feed you. Your eyes turned dark and veins grew under them. You wanted it.
"Please Kai-" He chuckles to himself and pulls the straw from the bottle. He puts the straw between your dry lips and lets you drink, quickly pulling it away again once a drop hits your tongue.
"Uh uh uh, not too much! Don't want you gaining your strength back too quickly now do we" He says, completely smug. He closes the lid on the bottle again and leaves the room, leaving you alone and hungry.

Back at the Salvatore residence, Damon and Caroline are pacing around the living room trying to figure out where Kai could have taken you.

"This kid's smart, he isn't going to be hiding her anywhere obvious so we can rule out the school and the grill. He probably took her out of town, somewhere secluded. Damn it!" Damon slams his glass on the table next to him, shattering it making Caroline jump.

"Getting angry and smashing glasses isn't going to help find her now is it!?" Caroline says sternly, grabbing Damon's wrist. He frowns and snatches his arm away from her. He carries on pacing the living room, scratching the back of his head nervously as his mind blanks.

"UGH! Where's Stefan when we need him!? He's good at this tracking people down stuff, I'm only useful when it comes to killing the little brat!" He spits, thinking of different ways he could torture and kill Kai once he gets his hands on him.
"Where did he say he was going?" Caroline sits down and pours herself another drink.

"He didn't say...he just got up and left. You know Stefan. Always looking for a fresh start when things don't go his way" He smiles sarcastically before downing the rest of his bourbon. Caroline sighs and puts her head in her hands. Both of them felt completely defeated until an idea sparked in Caroline's mind.

"Bonnie!? She can do a locator spell right?" She pats down her pockets trying to feel for her phone, when Damon stops her.

"Kai will have the place cloaked or something, he isn't a complete idiot- but wait. Kai isn't your average witch, he's a siphoner. He has to suck magic out of things to get magic right? He only had a little bit in him form when he attacked Liv so he's probably out of magic right now. His spell won't be strong enough to hold" Damon reaches for his phone and scrolls through, finding 'Bon-Bon' in his contacts. With Bonnie's help they'll be about to track you and Kai down in no time...right?

"Honey I'm home!" Kai sings as he kicks the door open, his arms full of supplies. You open your eyes slowly but quickly shut them again as the light hits them. It felt as if you hadn't seen sunlight in months. Scanning the supplies Kai brought back you notice a few bottles of blood which made your hunger even worse. You try to stop the urge, breathing deeply and biting your bottom lip as you try to think of anything else but blood. Kai crouches down in front of you and moves a strand of hair away from your face, your restraints stopping you from attacking him.
"Look at you. Powerless. Hungry. So weak. It's interesting to watch you know? Not even the sight of blood makes you strong enough to move." He chuckles to himself, waving a bottle of fresh blood in your face. You get enough strength to sit up straight, wetting your lips again before speaking.

"And you think you're so strong huh?" You manage to croak, smiling as you watch his face drop.
"How much magic is running through your body right now? Oh that's right...none. Bet you're pissed that you were born this way. So weak you have to siphon magic out of things instead of having it run through you naturally. You're pathetic" You laugh at him. Most people would fear Kai, the fact that he's a complete sociopath makes him unpredictable but you weren't scared. If you were being completely honest with yourself you found his company amusing at times, but right now you hated him and you'd do anything to get to him.

"Ouch, that hurt. Honestly I thought you were better than that Y/N. But I guess I haven't taken this seriously enough for you to fear me. Because you should. Oh and by the way, I do have magic." He smiles and grips onto your arms. You feel a burning sensation flow through you as if he was boiling your blood. You close your eyes and become tense, trying your best to pull yourself out of his grip when he suddenly lets go of you. The burning sensation stops, but you feel even weaker than you did before. Your body flops to the ground and your vision becomes blurry. He moves closer to your face so you can see him perfectly and smirks at you.

"Vampirism is a form of magic, didn't you know?" He moves your hair out of your face again and rubs your cheek with his thumb.

"Don't worry I didn't take enough to kill you or anything. Just enough for me to keep you in line, and to keep our little witch friend from locating us. I'm not done with you yet" Your eyes close and you fall into a deep sleep. Kai watched as this happened, admiring your almost lifeless form. Something about you drove him crazy. He was completely infatuated with you, and wasn't going to let you go anytime soon.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now