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"Why do people keep walking into my home?" Damon says sarcastically with a smug look.

"Awe, sign the deed over to a human then." I shot back as I plop next to Caroline and Enzo who were in their own conversation.

"Good idea." He announces and drinks the rest of the Bourbon in his cup.

"Watch out everyone, Stefan is wearing his hero hair." Damon teases Stefan as he walks into the living quarters.

"Actually, Y/N is." Stefan corrects his brother.

"What? why?" Damon demands. He hates being left out of plans or anything for that manner. He says it doesn't bother him but I know it does.

"Y/N is going to flirt with Kai. She's going to try and get some information out of him."

"1) Ew and 2) What kind of information?" Damon questions. His eyes moving from me to Stefan waiting to be answered. He practically tapping his foot on the wooden floors.

"About a spell." Caroline answered for me.

"Uh Hello! Where's BonBon?" Damon through his arms in the air giving all of us a puzzled look.

"She doesn't know Damon. It's an old spell. She's the one who said we should ask Kai." I spoke defending myself.

"So why do you have to go. Caroline likes to entertain our enemy. Have her go." He suggested.

"Kai isn't practically in love with me." Caroline stood up for herself.

"I don't like this at all." He finally states while narrowing his eyes at Caroline.

"That's why we didn't tell you about it." Enzo stood up and told him friend. Are they friends right now? Every other week it's different.

"I'm going. If he lays a finger on you, I don't care if it's a strand of your pretty little hair, I will rip his heart out." Damon's blood was boiling. It wasn't new news that he hated Kai. He and Bonnie had every right to.

Damon insisted on driving, "I hate this. I hate you even being a mile in his vicinity. He could hurt you, kill you Y/N." Damon tried to change my mind.

"Keep an ear out, If I say, that's crazy, barge in, kill him, do whatever you want. That'll be our code word okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder to try and ease him.

" I'd hate to have to burry you Y/N, I think I'd lose myself."

"Damon, you aren't going to lose me."


"Cross my heart and hope to die." I whisper back to him.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now