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"So you and Caroline." It wasn't even a question anymore. I knew the facts and I was hurt.

Klaus opened his mouth to speak but no words would come out. He finally stopped trying and just looked at me sympathetically.

"Klaus, we've been together for three hundred years and this is how you choose to throw it all away?" I asked him.

"Y/N, I-." He stopped, "I can not excuse my actions but I do ask for forgiveness."

"Forgiveness? You cheated on me, you hurt me, you broke the trust I had in you. You were suppose to be there for business." I couldn't even be mad at Caroline, Klaus had a way with his words and he was very good looking.

"Did she know?"

"Did who knows what?" He was being careful. He knew I could blow up at any moment but what he didn't know was that I didn't have it in me anymore to blow up, I put everything I had in him and he cheats.

"Did Caroline Know you and I were together?" I made it clearer for him.

"No." He spoke softly. Klaus knee better then to lie to me. I always found out the truth.

"And Elijah -"

"Elijah has no idea." He cut me off trying to save his brother from losing his best friend. I couldn't even face him anymore, I turn around and leave the Mikaelson home. I'll have Elijah bring me my things later.


"Are you going to talk to him?" I was with Rebekah. She asked to hang out and go for lunch, I'm pretty sure Klaus forced her to go.

"I don't think so." I reply skimming through the choices.

"He's going mad."

"He has to understand his choices have consequences. He hurt me, Rebekah. After everything him and I had been through he does that. I can't just run back to him."

"Elijah misses you too, Y/N, I'm sure you guys text though." I smile at his name. We met up a couple days ago, he's getting me my stuff slowly. He doesn't want to send Klaus into a raging fit.

"Elijah knows where to find me if he misses me too much. By the way, you didn't tell Klaus what you were doing or going, right?" I don't want to see him, yet. Maybe in another month or two or hundred years.

"I'm so sorry, he forced me to tell him, threatened me with the dagger! Y/N, please forgive me."

"Rebekah, you had no choice. It's fine but I think I'll leave before he shows."

"Too late for that, Love. Rebekah excuse us, Y/N I would like to talk to you." His eyes sockets were black and puffy, looks like he hasn't slept in days. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was a mess.

"Come back home." He begged.


"It doesn't even have to be my room, choose any room. I can't sleep knowing you aren't there and could be in danger. Just please."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now