𝙷𝚎 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚃𝚘 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙

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This was the part you dreaded the most. You've lost a lot of people in your lifetime, being a vampire and all. However, you weren't prepared when your dad died. Your dad was your best friend. Your mom left you and your dad when you were 7. Your dad was there for you when you got your first car, when you entered high school, when you got your period, getting your diploma, graduating college, getting your first job, and all. He was supposed to walk you down the aisle when you got married, be there to see his grandchildren, watch them grow up as well. But now he can't. He's gone. You knew that he would eventually pass but you didn't expect it to be so soon. There you were, at the day of his funeral. It was right before the service so you could have alone time with him and get yourself together.
"Please come back to me..." You choked out. "You promised me you'd never leave me. Daddy don't go..." You held his cold, pale hand and cried. You were official broken. You were too busy crying to notice anyone come in. You felt him before you heard him.
"I'm sorry..." Damon whispered.
"Damon, this pain is too much. I can't bear it anymore." You turned around in his arms and cried in his chest. There is this enormous hole in your chest. You couldn't handle it.
"I know. I'm here for you."
"Please make it go away. Please let me turn it off. I need this pain to be gone." You stared into his eyes. Yours were so full of pain.
"No, no, don't turn it off. I will help you. You will get through this. You will never be alone. Okay? Don't turn it off." The only thing stopping you from shutting it off was the fear you saw in Damon's eyes.


The number one thing you were afraid of was heights. You were terrified of it. Well Klaus soon found out about this fear you had. Well, he wanted to do something about it. He had this whole flight setup to go somewhere. You were okay with flying because there was the option of having the aisle seat to prevent you from looking out the window. Anyways, on the flight to wherever you were going was long. Klaus would not peep a single thing about your destination. Guess you'll just have to sit there in curiosity and hope for the best.
"Can you please tell me where we are headed?" You were anxious to know. He was teasing you and you both knew it. You saw him smirk, not saying a thing. You rolled your eyes and that's when he spoke.
"No. And when you ask again in another hour or so, you know what my answer will till be? No." You glared at him as his smirk only got bigger.
"I'm glad you're enjoying this." You stuck your tongue at him. You soon landed and the first thing you did was try to go to the door to get it to open. Right before you could look out the window, your sight was taken from you. Klaus had blindfolded you. You tried to protest but it was no use. You sighed and let him be.
"Do you trust me?" Klaus asked you.
"Yes. You know I do." You let out a yelp of surprise when he picked you up bridal style. With a whoosh, he was off. Soon he let you down.
"Take it off." You did so immediately. You gasped as you took in your surroundings. You still didn't know where you were but it was beautiful.
"Where are we?"
"Leaning Tower of Pisa." He walked you to the edge and your heart race suddenly skyrocketed.
"No Klaus!" You were so afraid.
"Relax, you're with me. You're not going to fall." He tried to assure you. You knew he would never hurt you but you were so scared.
"No please don't..." You stared into his eyes.
"You're not afraid of heights. Not anymore. There is nothing to be afraid of." He compelled you. You had no choice but to believe him.


You were frustrated. Sexually. Enzo was not home and therefore not able to help you. So your fingers would have to just do. You laid down on your bed and took off your clothes. You bit your lip and started to rub your clit. Slow at first, then gradually going harder. You moaned out softly as you were imagining Enzo was doing this with his expert hands. Rubbing a little harder, you realized you needed more than this. Starting at the bottom of your core, you slowly slid your finger up your slit to gather the juices that oozed out. You put your finger in your mouth and sucked it off, moaning a bit. Reaching down again, you slid a finger into you. You held in your moan but let it out when you slid in another finger. You stared to arch your back when you thrusted faster. When you thrusted in again, you added another finger, making it three that was sliding into you. You were too busy moaning, loudly, to care about anything at the moment.
"Well, well, well..." A deep voice filled with lust rang out.
Your eyes flew open and your legs flew shut quickly. You stared into the beautiful, lustful, brown eyes of your boyfriend.
"Enzo!" You blushed hard.
"Don't stop because I showed up." He smirked. You knew he was enjoying this. He placed his hands on your upper thighs and pried your legs open. "Look at the mess you made. Should I clean this up for you?" He only smirked more.
"Please do.." You whispered.


Stefan had just recently proposed to you. It was a beautiful thing and you loved every moment of it. Now you had to actually plan the wedding. You never knew how stressful this was. You stared at the book in front of you that was filled with a million wedding ideas. You couldn't choose anything. You fisted your fingers in your hair and sighed heavily.
"Everything okay?" Your fiancée had said from behind you.
"No. I am so stressed with this whole wedding thing. I can't decide on anything." You looked at him.
"Need help? I can fix all of your problems." You knew he was talking about compulsion. You wanted a wedding that was as human as possible.
"No, I don't need your help. I can do this on my own." You wanted to do this all by yourself but you knew you'd go to Caroline sooner rather than later. She was so good at this and you needed her.
"Are you sure? I can make-" You cut him off.
No Stefan. I want to do this my way." You snapped at him. That got him to shut up. He knew the only reason you were acting this was because of all the pressure.
"Okay, let me know if you need anything."


You were in charge of the cooking for the party you and Elijah were throwing. Almost 500 people were coming and you needed to cook enough food that will feed that many people. You were about halfway done when you got stuck. You didn't know what else to make. You stood in the middle of your dirty kitchen and thought.
"What's wrong? You finished cooking?" You heard Elijah say from the door.
"I don't know what else to make. I have lasagna cooking in the oven, the cake batter is ready, cookie batter is ready, and the turkey's are cooking in the convectional ovens. I don't know what else to make. I need more food but no ideas." You looked at him.
"Why not make Chicken Parmesan?" You smiled a bit. "You need help? I will gladly help you." He looked a little concerned at the amount of work you still had to do.
"No. Go away. I don't need help." You pushed him out of the kitchen.
"Okay, but I'll be waiting for you to be done. All of this work needs a reward." He smiled. You walked back into the kitchen to start making Chicken Parmesan.

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now